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5 Fun Physics Phenomena

Five cool physics tricks, but how do they work?

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  1. DrFred says:

    1. Always at the Center of mass if you are poised, summing moments.
    2. Has the mechanisms that make the rotation measurements etc that you may always change your center of gravity but again the mobile is not omogenws distributed weight, elsewhere it is more lightweight, αλλού πιο βαρύ και είναι δύσκολο να πετύχεις το κέντρο βάρους στον άξονα συμμετρίας στις 3 διαστάσεις.
    3. The water practically does not participate but do not drink distilled/purified water, has these ions and attracts the magnet.
    4. Cereals are definitely iron and I don't know what else
    5. Vacuum created due to combustion at the top of the paper.