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The Greek word 'pride'

Through this video, the institution 'Oxi Day Foundation” aims to inform the international audience about this uniquely important Greek word which is the driving force of the Greeks, but also to inspire modern humans spreading the concept of Filotimo. Among the participants in the video is the Chairman of the Board of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Andreas Dracopoulos, political analyst George Stephanopoulos, the originator of The information 'website Huffington Post», Ariana Chafingkton, the entrepreneur John Reed and the investor Jim Chanos.

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  1. Mistoklas says:

    terribly! Sense of honor

  2. Costas marneros says:

    Do not do what you do not want.

  3. Costas marneros says:

    Having respect, you have filotimo

  4. Costas marneros says:

    My word is much more than a contract signed by my own hands. My hand signs but if I have no conscience……??????? This is filotimo

  5. Costas marneros says:

    Filotimo, a great word.

  6. Costas marneros says:

    A Greek without it is not Greek