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The idea is simple: expect to see the green light to pass through the crossing. The traffic light turns green. Until it becomes red, the green bar on the screen gradually empties STREETPONG. Then, when lit the red light, the game is still in start-up. All that remains is to strike the opponent on the opposite pavement.

When he is ready to play, οι δύο “αντίπαλοι” πεζοί αρχίζουν στα σκοράρουν όσο διαρκεί η κόκκινη ένδειξη. The winner can celebrate the victory of hailing the unknown passer-by who won in the middle of the pathway. Or if he wants the rematch, can't wait for the next green indicator.

The STREETPONG is a project of urban interaction. Initiators are Sandro Engel and Amelie Künzler and was made by Holger Michel in the German city of Hildesheim.

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