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Road accidents in Greece

A collection of traffic accidents recorded by cameras on Greek roads.

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  1. Mike says:

    Bro I anegkefaloys them running SA palaboi in them not at all regret limanakia and click

    • Johnny says:

      I understand your point of view and I respect. But the only thing we ask from such people is a little awareness of their tours since they don't care about themselves.

  2. Johnny says:

    Well, I won't speak for the, excuse me, mollusks that some rough, but in the end what gioycharei the putrid;! He brought the other car upside down, definitely hit and the other the thanked;! Guys, your not krazw why yours is life and then it won't, But what do you blame the other guy who hit and first and foremost why risking your own life;

    • Antares says:

      So why has gone basically there. Seeing other run and anyone stoykarei!Και μία διόρθωση σημαντική…Δεν γιουχάρει αλλά επευφημεί και χειροκροτεί!

      • Johnny says:

        Correctly said, standing ovations and applauds. Tell me crazy but you like such occupations; And went to get it and the world had no idea that Harrow what was going on there. I.e. due to such mindless I should fear to release with my car;! Not to mention those who pass with red. Ama is so, ξηλώνουμε και τα φανάρια και όποιον πάρει ο Χάρος…