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Punishment in exypnakides drivers

A group of Russian activists calling themselves 'Stop an Idiot', trying to enforce traffic rules that very often violate drivers in Russia. Here stop motorists wanting to pass through a pedestrian walkway in order to avoid the traffic jam. Drivers who fail to comply are gaining a large sticker on their windshield!

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  1. dimitris81gr says:

    Terrible attitude of pedestrians. Wants enough composure and understanding. However, only women create problem while men seemed to have more sensitivity.

  2. Konstantinos Theodoridis says:

    just seeing it made me want to curse…wonder how they held up when they were run over by a car…that goes a long way!….well done anyway and I hope they humiliate them enough to reduce the percentage who do it…

  3. Giorgos says:

    you teleytaia aneta tin sapiza…