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This is trading!

In a very funny quote from the movie “Naked Gun” (Crazy Balls) 1988, the Superintendent Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen) tries to learn information by exchanging… bribes with a port worker.

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  1. Demmis Geos says:

    the video here is not ypotitloys????? Bgalto and Vale Allo. "subtitled" you know what it is?

    • VideoMan VideoMan says:

      The video has subtitles, but you're probably watching the video from a mobile or tablet – which don't support flash. The problem will be fixed gradually for all videos do not display captions on mobile devices.

    • Gregoris says:

      GM Tosi me;

      • Slayer says:

        Apparently his parents are the same rude and growing the detective.
        Natural selection is made based on survivability and no social skills or understanding. So this species has not yet eliminated from the planet and never will. The most intelligent organizations are forced to develop coping strategies to manage to live together with them when conditions require.