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This is the YotaPhone 2, which is the first smartphone in the world with e-ink screen (e-ink). The YotaPhone 2 combines two screens, a normal 1080p display front and a rear e-ink screen resolution 960 × 540 pixels. Is a unique smartphone allowing you more functions, like reading texts far more relaxed even in the Sun, and the substantial savings in battery life. It has a Snapdragon 801 processor (just like the S5 Galaxy, LG G3, HTC One M8) and runs the Android 4.4.3 KitKat operating.
The e-ink screen uses very little energy, While your phone is off. If you tend to leave your screen for big time open for things like Google Maps or reading books/websites, the YotaPhone can save enough energy. If you use only the e-ink screen, the battery can last up to 100 hours (about 4,16 days). You can also just keep a shopping list or some notes on this screen for immediate use.
The YotaPhone 2 was designed in Russia, costs about 750 € and can be purchased here.