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Fans of Chelsea pooping colored man from Metro

The scene took place Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at the Metro station Richelieu-Drouot in Paris, before the Champions League match between Psg and Chelsea. Fans of Chelsea prevent a black man to get into the Metro wagon. The man will try several times to get into the wagon but the fans of pushing out, while then they chant 'We are racists, and we like it that way'.

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  1. vas180 says:

    civilized societies, uncivilized people.

  2. Parris says:

    Well the driver why he left the train to leave;;;Why no one called the police;;Why didn't other passengers reacted;;Και ύστερα λένε ότι οι Έλληνες είναι άξεστοι..ρατσιστές..υπανάπτυκτοι…δεν υπακούνε σε νόμους…Να χαρώ εγώ πολιτισμό…Μάλιστα!!!!

  3. panosfp says:

    Νομιζω η λεξη εγχρωμος ειναι λιγο ατυχης..δεν ειναι ουρανιο τοξο..ανθρωπος ειναι…