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Throat singing in the mountains of Mongolia

On a mountain somewhere in Mongolia, a man sings in the traditional Central Asian art of throat, playing music with a Kchoyr Morine (stringed musical instrument). The throat singing is a singing method in which the singer handles harmonic resonances created in the neck through the vocal cords.

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  1. Gabriele says:

    I always find that very special and beautiful.
    But HOW did the people in Mongolia come to sing “like that”. ?
    I hope, This culture is also preserved.

  2. Johanna says:


  3. sss says:

    I'll tell you from the mouth of the blind are you

  4. Karsten Fogde says:

    guttural singing, not throat singing! Horsehead Violin called strings instrument, directly translated from Mongolian.

  5. Parris says:

    Does that to this origins;;;;

    • seriouslouk says:

      5-6 octaves to harmonic echoes. If we have been drinking beer and breaking the sound barrier!

  6. visitor says:

    videoman-can you tell me the link of youtube so I can download;

    • Nikolaos Sarris says:

      the link is this the singer said Vaanchig BATZORIG ( 1977-) and is a member of the Traditional Paddy Khusugtun in order to make known the traditional Mongolian music in 2000 was at the Institute of Traditional music and instruments Ulaanbaatar city have not found if it was a teacher who has a student thesis or .