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The tribe of Toulambis comes for the first time in contact with whites

1976, the Team Explorer Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux came for the first time in contact with the primitive tribe of Toulambis (Papua, New Guinea), whose members hadn't ever come in contact with the outside world and neither had seen man with white skin. The camera captured the fearful and full of curiosity their reaction.

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  1. Eleftherios Kounanis says:


  2. David Langcake says:

    Absolutely wonderful showing we are all from the same Seed we are a little apart, great filming by the crew, loved the Rice scene… fantastic Congratulations all…..

  3. Louis Urvois says:

    If asi es como is vivia antes in todos los paises del mundo, Mejor as hoy, in paz y felices

  4. Louis Urvois says:

    beautiful man and nature at his best.

  5. Philzep says:

    You should let them quiet, without trying to get in touch with them, because their life was not polluted by the maifaits of a world based on consumption, useless technology and stupidity of so-called civilized humanity, dommage…


    I found this fascinating and moving video

  7. Dominique says:

    Pourvu qu’ils ne se soient installés sur aucune mine intéressante ni dans une zone où “on ” aura décidé la construction d’un barrage ou d’un dépôt d’ordures … Déjà bien gênant que des journalistes aient attiré l’attention sur eux ! Les prêcheurs les ont-ils vite “sauvés” de la damnation ? What have they become for 40 years ? (téléphones portables et ordinateurs ? money money money ? ou on visite leurs villages comme on visite les favelas ????) This document is still moving , on pense aux améridiens d’Amazonie , les quelques tribus non “découvertes” se sont vu parachuter de l’alcool !

  8. Kevin says:

    what was lost should not be found

  9. Bea De Serranno says:

    jammer dat men deze stam ontdekt heeft…ze waren zo gelukkig op hun manier…laat ze met rust,turnip never returned the luggage together and times!!!!

  10. toska says:

    hi ! I really need to have this video for a research I’m doing , and I couldn’t download it from your site and I couldn’t fine a contact on your websitecould you please kindly send it to my email address ?touskagholami87@gmail.comthnx in advance :)

  11. Justin says:

    Hope we didnt find them and let them be whatever they were before.

  12. Mireliz says:

    The contact, in 1976, Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux team with the primitive tribe Toulambis (Papua New Guinea), shows the curiosity to the unknown. But we can not qualify them as innocent and pure, eso es caer en la idea del “buen salvaje”, quite old fashioned; If we understand and respect the culture and norms of groups.

  13. Evelyne Fortin says:

    Superb, émouvant …… et après ????

  14. Pascale Beauviconte Perez says:

    this video is old but it's very touching

  15. Pascale Beauviconte Perez says:

    this video is old but it's very touching

  16. Guy says:

    I believe that these people should be left alone and let them live their own lives. They are (supposedly) the innocents and as all peoples I am sure that in their own way they struggle for survival as we all do in our own way. I also think that the white men did not mean any harm to them and did not know or realize the consequences of their actions. I also believe that all others who posted comments here in a negative manner, who point fingers at each other do not understand that we are all the same as humans. We are curious, competitive. We seek knowledge and we make mistakes. We are HUMAN. This is what we do. We are no different from a dog that protects it’s territory, a chimpanzee that makes war against one of another tribe or a seagull looking for food. If we are the superior species on this planet, then maybe someday we can learn to respect all life and environment of this planet. We are doomed either by nature itself or by our own course of action.

    • Adriana Herta says:

      You are right, Guy. We can and must contribute to grow up humanism and empathy in the world.

  17. Paolo Passarini says:

    beautiful all, some very moving

  18. ''Civilized'' human says:

    Typical civilization: we make and say shit out of what could have been pure beauty. Shame on all these comments full of hate and ego. And who made all these comments? WE, ”CIVILIZED” PEOPLE.

  19. Angel says:

    Does any body know how is the tribe now? How do they live in New Guinea Papua now?

  20. Chef Shawk Parson III says:

    great experience for either side of the debate! where was this anyway?

  21. OOB says:

    And, they are not doing them any favours by introducing those healthy people to that horrendous white rice! Good god!

  22. Jose Vitor Chavedar says:

    Neste video could reflect about the human aspects that all us possuimos em us mesmos. Here too we can compare how they in the big changes that will arise in recent years in all areas and several new technologies that will emerge in this course in brief. Thanks to all for sharing these maxims in the completeness of the present moment. Abraços por Jose Vitor Chavedar – SP. Brassil..

  23. Musa çöl oğlu says:

    çox düşündürücü və filmdirş bəşər işlədirsə ilginc bir usun nəyi edər əldə hər. husv and saw the man's intelligence. bəşərin başarılı inandım yenə olduğun.

  24. Bet Townley says:

    I was mesmerized!Amazing! Fascinating

  25. Mark Synwick says:

    I can't believe, those people never encountered the white man. We are not new. I think they will continue with their way of life, unless they discover the fucking TV!!!

  26. Ana María Dardón says:

    cuando el hielo llegó a Macondo….

  27. Ana María Dardón says:

    and then, he will a God. is it wonderful?

  28. Alex says:

    this is a good video criss . priceless . thank you to the technology to make that possible viewing .

  29. Luis Martin Chao says:

    ABOUT, Come and see us when we receive ALIENS,WHEN ALIENS VISITE ME, SEE ME THEN,

  30. Joce Farouault says:

    What stupidity … Mirror and afeer rice why not Frenc cognac ? Thes people must live like they want, it’s not to occidental people telle us and show us how they must live …