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1976, the Team Explorer Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux came for the first time in contact with the primitive tribe of Toulambis (Papua, New Guinea), whose members hadn't ever come in contact with the outside world and neither had seen man with white skin. The camera captured the fearful and full of curiosity their reaction.
Beautiful video.Sú it simple,honest and nice people and I think the pure soul of what the modern world nenájdete.Myslím think their life is much nicer than ours.
borrow! borrow!! borrow!!!
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Pardon the twist but God save them from religion. There very existence exhibits they have a very workable arrangement with whatever spirits they may chose to honor, respect or fear. Charming people – please leave them in peace in and on their own grounds.
Leave us my Dolly
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This film explains why UFO don’t come in contact with us…..
Destroying their innocent!
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LOLJust browsing on the internet, clicking a random video, and the next thing I see is a comment section full of racist right-wingers, extreme left-wingers, orthodox christians, anti-christian atheists and annoying spanish-typing-in-the-middle-of-an-english-discussion bastards. Come on, people. Stop this never ending discussions and enjoy the video
its confirmed fakesomeone makes money out of our stupidity
Dear Sir Or Madam, You sincerely should know that since 1989s upto right today;2016, somewhere in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY; where inOUARZAZATE city; esepcially in the main Local PsychiatricServices’SIDI HUSSEIN BEN ASSEUR HOSPITAL; where its whole MoroccanNational Localy Team Of Nurses, Medecines, Doctors and Chururgienshave savagely been working out to abuse to torture to harass to commitTHOUSANDS OVER THOUSANDS of the worst wildest various reactions andmoods of death-penalties’needles’crimes against THOUSANDS OVERTHOUSANDS of the main deep-rooted OUARZAZAI PATIENTS AND VICTIMS toreinforce against them to be savagely treated into over than 50 UPTO60 VARIOUS LIVE INTOXICALLY POISON DEADLY DEAD DRUG-MEDICATIONS’PILLSwithin over than 10 ABSOLUTELY FULL UP VARIOUS WORST TERRIBLE LIVEINTOXICALLY POISON DRUG-MEDICATIONS’INJECTIONS as well as they haveterribly been working out to turn against them to bget them violatedin the worst uncommon various incredible expert beast cruel criminalways and matters of the worst unbelievable well-frustratedpsychopthically reactions and matters of sexual immoralities’treatsupto death since 1970s upto right today; 2016. Also, You really should know that both of the whole local Nationalsecurity team, the whole Moroccan national locally team ofcivil-publique within the all Moroccan National Locally Team OfMuniciplity and Province’OUARZAZATE have violently been working out toabuse to violate to corrupt to commit THOUSANDS OVER THOUSANDS of theworst terrible well-tortured and well-absuive reactions and treats ofdeath-penalties’needles’crimes to oppress to abuse to torture to turnagainst THOUSANDS OVER THOUSANDS of the main actually quite innocentOuarzazi deep-rooted patients and victims in the worst horrible sosavage and well-violated reactions and moods of variousdeath-penalties’needloes’crimes upto death within they have wildlybeen working out to violate to kill and earthen them in the worstuncomon incredible so savage and well-violated reactions and moods ofvarious ways and reactions of oppressions, torture and harassmentsupto death to burry them in the main various locally quite horriblesecret locally grave-yards’spaces and regions in OUARZAZATE CITY inthe main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY; since 1970s upto righttoday; 2016s. Please, You truly should be Internationally reacted against thosewhole Moroccan National Locally Autorities within the whole MoroccanNational Locally Team Of Psychiatric Services’SIDI HUSSEIN BEN ASSEURHOSPITAL in OUARZAZATE CITY in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCOCOUNTRY; where especially both of Sir Mrs Mouhammed KHOUMOUSS, Saaid –EL – JERMATTI, MOUMMADI, AHMOUSH, KHALID, HASSANI,…………ect;within Madame, Khadija EKKENNE, Yassmine EDDINANI, Madame AMINE,Madame EZZAZAE……ect, within the major of the whole MoroccanMedecines and Doctors as Sir Mrs Samir ESSABBANE, SALAMA, EL-KHARRATI,THE ISSMAAILI,…….ect; precizely both of Sir Mrs ERRAMDANI, the mainLocal Chururgien of SIDI HUSSIEN BEN ASSEUR HOSPITAL in OUARZAZATECITY since the beginning of 80s upto right today; 2016s, within SirMrs Brahim AIT-OUKHACHIFF as well as withyin the worst wildestincredible expert beast cruel criminal Moroccan Local Expert curelcriminal Sir Mrs ERRAMDANI; who have savagely been working out toabuse to hrass to torture to commit THOUSANDS OVER THOUSANDS of theworst wildest incerdible so savage reactions and treats of violationsand violences upto death to export THOUSANDS OVER THOUSANDS of thewhole nobel-human’beings’organs as THOUSANDS OVER THOUSANDS OF VEINS,HEARTS AND BONES AND BLOOD-PRESSURES’PLASTIFICATIONS AND BOXES to themain INTERNATIONAL BANK OF NOBEL-HUMAN’BEINGS STOCKAGE in GENEVA themain Capital of Swiss Country. Besides, the whole Moroccan National Locally Reponsible of thewhole Moroccan National Locally Team of Human Rights Associations andOrganisations as Madame Khadija ETTAMSSANI, MadameAWAYYI,………..ect, Mss Fedoua BOUHOU,…………….ect; MrsENGUADI, Mrs EDDAMNATI;………ect; whom they have yearly beenworking out to abuse to violate to steal to corrupt THOUSANDS OVERTHOUSANDS of the whole International Biggest Amendmants Of Millionsover Millions of Euros and Dollars as well as Thousands over Thousandsof the main various International humanitarian tools and materials ofphysique handicapped and mentally patients and victims whom they haveterribly violated and stollen to be illegally corrupted; especially bySir Mrs Pière DIMITRI,……….ect; Zahir ABDEL JABBAR, Rachid ABDELJABBAR;…………..ect; whom they have terribly been working out tosteal to corrupt THOUSANDS OVER THOUSANDS of the whole Internationalvariuous biggest International Amendmants of Euros andDollars’Sums’Money within they have freely been working out to abuseto oppress to steal to corrupt THOUSANDS OVER THOUSANDS of the most ofthe whole International Humanitarian tools and materials of physiqueand mental handicapped deep-rooted Ouarzazi patients and victims inthe worst horrible well-corrupted and well-stollen ways and moods ofcorruptions and betrays; precisely in the main Local Center ofPhysique and Mental Handicapped Patients and Victims in Ouarzazatecity in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY; where they arestill working out to abuse to harass to violated to steal to corruptTHOUSANDS OVER THOUSANDS of the whole International varioushumanitarian and wards’treats and reactions to make many over manyvarious National and International entreprises’Trade as Sir Mrs PièreDIMITRI, who has uncommonly built the most high very unique Local andRegional Super Market within he has the most high incerdible localRestaurant in Ouarzazate city, which is called ” Chez DIMITRIRestaurant ” and also, he has the most high very unique actuallyillegal secret entreprise of trade’produces of wine in Casablancacity; the main National Capital of Economics’Trade in the mainWestredn Site Of Morocco Country; since the beginning of thelastcentury time; precisely in 1928s; when his own inner father Sir MrsChristoph within Sir Mrs NINI;………………ect, upto the lastyears of 80s; when Sir Mrs Christoph the father of Sir Mrs PièreDimitri; died upto right today; that his own Brother, I meant Sir MrsPière DIMITRI; who has terribly been working out to abuse to harass tocorrupt to steal within his own inner absolutely uncommon expert beastcruel well-corrupted and well-violated team as Sir Mrs Zahir ABDELJABBAR; Sir Mrs. Rachid ABDEL JABBAR; his own inner brother; and withinthe major of his own inner deep-rooted Ouarzazi friends and mates asSir Mrs Atif – EL – HALKE; who had terribly been working out tocorrupt to steal at last 4 000 000 000 Centimes Dirhams; when Sir MrsAtif – El – Halk; was the main Local Head-master of Messraf ELMAGHRIB Bank in Ouarzazate city in the main Southren Site of Moroccocountry; where he has illegally been working out to abuse to tortureto oppress to violate to steal to corrupt at last over than 4 000 000000 Centimes’Sirhams within the main Local actually incerible secretfavours of Sir Mrs Zahir ABDEL JABBAR, Sir Mrs Rachid ABDELJABBAR;……….and Sir Mrs Khalid EL BYED; who is right todayimmigrated in Germany Country; where he is Internationally hiddenhimself to work out in the most high Internationally ways and mattersof the worst terrible incertdible expert ways and matters ofInternational Black Commerecializations’Trade’Produces since thebeginning of 90s upto right today; 2016s. In any cases, You sincerely should know that both of Sir MrsZahirc ABDEL JABBAR, Sir Mrs. Rachid ABDEL JABBAR; are right today gotto rule them won inner Local absoilutely secret entreprises of BlackTrade in Tobacco Boxes in a very special Shop in them own inner bigappartenment in OUARZAZATE CITY; esepcially in Streets’ EL BAHJA; inOUARZAZATE CITY in the main Southren Site Of Morocco Country since thebeginning of 90s upto right today; 2016s. As well as His BortherRachid ABDEL JABBAR; who has just been starting to spread out hisLocal Restuarant in Ouarzazate city in the same Streets of Hay – El –Bahja in OUARZAZATE CITY in the main Southren Site Of Morocco Country;since the beginning of this month May; 2016s , and then; they haveillegally been working out to commercelize in THOUSANDS OVER THOUSANDSof the major of the whole absolutely various expert beast cruelwell-stollen and well-corrupted produces’trade in Ouarzazate city inthe main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY; where they are right todaycarrying on living on upto right today; 2016s. What you really have to do TO INVESTIGATE TO INTERVENEE TOOUARZAZATE CITY in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY; wherethose whole Moroccan National Locally Team Of Moroccan Mafias andRegroupments’Team ; they have savagely been working out to abuse totorture to harass to corrupt to kill to commit THOUSANDS OVERTHOUSANDS of the worst wildest various incredible expert beast cruelwell-corrupted and wedll-abusive reactions and moods of corruptionsand death-penalties’moods and reactions as well as treats in the worstterrible so savage and well-tortured reactions and matters as well asrules in Ouarzazate city in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY;since 1970s upto bright today; 2016s. Many humble thanks to all of You in advance. I impatiently wait forwards to hear from You in UrgentInternational legal and executive ways’reply as possible as You reallycan. Best Wishes. Always, Yours Faithfully, Mr Fouad ZENNARI.
It is a very touching video, I wish I could copy it to my PC for purely educational purposes but the system does not allow me, If someone shares a link me to download the video I thank them.
It is implied that this 36-year old “video” (film) resulted in ANY of the ways suggested by ANY of the comments below? My curiosity is beyond belief. I REALLY want to know what has happened since this “chance meeting” has taken place. Note that you can change ‘language’ but English is not one. Spanish is close enough as an American.If you have ANY further info on this Please send to: pea-brain@verizon.net – THANK YOU!
Terrible idea that he immediately offered him a knife. A knife is a tool, and it will very quickly create a cultural change.
I don’t think that these lovely people have ‘dirty’ soul as we have. The knife is just a thing, a tool. The dirt is in our emotions, bad experience etc. from civilisation …
Interesting that the editor neglected to add the names of the individuals in the film.
Bravo videoman.
The look of fear in their eyes was telling. What was the intended outcome of these emcounters? I think it can possibly leave them more confused having experienced this culture shock.
I suppose that if we travelled back in time and came out of a Tesla car and showed Ipads, smartphones, smart TVs, Laptops, to the explorers of Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux team, their reactions would not differ than the reactions of Toulambis when they saw the mirror :) .
OK, this is my third attempt of joining this discussion, so maybe I hit the right buttons this time. Anyhow , as I was saying, that had to be the most fascinating video that I have ever seen. But it almost makes you want to cry, to think about those innocent people entering our world, and could possibly encounter someone like Obama. It was almost like seeing a baby being born. But you could almost have the feeling of being rewarded, that you could introduce to them some certain tools, and medicines, that would make their lives more comfortable. I hope I am not sounding to corny.
I disagree I think we can learn a lot from each other
This people are very lucky don’t live in a post dramatic society like we live in Fundamentalism times of religious idiots from the far east and american consume of be fat get more fat and die fast consume your deat while people like the Toulambis live without all that shit we get up our face every day and the worst of all we lost our humanity.
Beyond the politics, evolutionary claims and race-talk, this must have been an incredible and life-altering experience for the group of Dutilleaux and for the tribe they found. It shouldn’t be seen as “the advanced race meets primitive race” cause this is just plain dumb. The tribe-people have a lot to offer to the other side too. Life is not only about mirrors, recorders & not even about medicine and democracy. It’s also about love, living, understanding, sharing and communicating. Evolution is not a privilege of one race but we all evolve together on our different standards, there’s no high & low, there is only movement.
White people are by far better than black!
The goverment and the capitalism has faileeeed so much!! so much!!! that we even jealous those people , that live with no money , no goverment , no NOTHING. And they dont have technology , now imagine if we have a life like them (with out goverment), with our knowledge with our technology… :) sorry if my english suck.. go call me anarchist and communist now .. i dont care.. its just the truth and the logic :)
Communists government are far worse than the capitalists ones, far bigger and inefficient, creating nothing….
What a stupidity?!…nice skirts btw…it is so fake all this story…you can see that it is directed from the first second……lol…only americans could believe these stories
two different societies of human beings.thats all
for god sake, who came with the idea to add this music. the original track from their handycam would be countless more impressive. respect their sounds at least, intruders