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1976, the Team Explorer Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux came for the first time in contact with the primitive tribe of Toulambis (Papua, New Guinea), whose members hadn't ever come in contact with the outside world and neither had seen man with white skin. The camera captured the fearful and full of curiosity their reaction.
The video is fake!! Mr.(I'm insulting the Srs of truth) Jordi is an ignorant mayusculo and as this follow asi, them will give independence to the unbearable Catalans in their attitude, and will be the beginning of national collapse. If both Franco bothered them as it is that they didn't say not Word then?- and that record that I I came to use fleeing of Franco.- ahora con eso de la democracia no hay mas que las ratas saliendo de los agujeros y provocando infecciones..que pena con lo bonito que era nuestro Pais sin la influencia catalana por todas partes…….
No are you doing discussing, in a war of coconuts that this loss of before hand, certainly you have not watched the video well, that we are all one, Let yourselves already have who knows more, many coconut and little heart, you are more scare you that the indigenous people of the video, but the worst thing is that you do not you relajais, they cease to be wary when they believe that the other is not a threat, You seguiis seeing a threat in the difference of ideas, liberty friends freedom, and now surely remeteis with me, have you, Some believe he knows everything and has the well-filled head and is not the point.
What a shame that those charming people have been found. Next thing, religion, alcohol, disease will wipe them out because white man thinks everyone should live like them.
Charming? That sure is a biased comment. How would you know? Because they are NOT white? Stupid white people invented “multiculturalism” which is shorthand for “hey! let’s wipe out our race and culture and boot lick the non whites of the world”. Your remarks are a sign of a chauvinist, a bigot, and an ignoramus. Most white people just want to live their lives unmolested by left wing shit. It’s the “elites” of the world, of all colors, that are driving the misery.
Well leftist Stalin and Mao killed people.. Let me see; the crusades, War on Afghanistan, Iraq War, Napoleonic War, World war I and World war II. Yep, leftists did them all. Well pray your lord to kill much as you can you mindless idiots.Keep denying the science, yet don’t be ashamed to be hypocrites to use its marvels.White supremacists, making me laugh so hard… Capitalism made you supreme? Colonizing the world, living in harmony and joy. Enslaving masses…Yeah pray a lot.
Necoraptor, you feign intellectualism as is the habit of atheists everywhere. Since you THINK you are so very smart, why don’t you expound some of your genius here and now. America enslaves NOBODY. Your lies are as despicable as they are ignorant. Now please, some science from you, IF you know any at all. Here is a spoof on the misplaced condescension and ignorance of atheists: http://proofthereisnogod.blogspot.com
Tyrone, I guess you have no idea what God is…
For your info...The Euro race is responsible for 99% of the inventions, medicine and democracy that is used and copied around the world. We are going through a form of scientific evolution, which can not be stopped. It is unfortunate that the euro race are the ones that are in danger of extenction due to forced multiculturalism as stated above. Without the West’s generosity to the third world they would still be living in the dark ages like this tribe. Maybe life was less stressful back then under those conditions, however life expectency was a lot shorter too. When does the Caucasian race get recognition for all the good that we have contributed world wide, instead of always being made out to look like the evildoers.
Nowadays, everybody can see the result of destruction, unhappiness and earth damage cause by your race. Look at your name: wildfire!!
Without Europeans the world would be a ghetto. The third world would still be living in darkness without white man’s magic. The third world should bow down at our feet.
Yes, thank goodness these primitives found civilisation and started living our way! Living in harmony with earth? Bah! Who needs this hippie crap! Yes, we may have a wildfire or a tsunami every now and live under threat of nuclear arms, but we’re happy! Are they happy? How can you be happy when you don’t have an i-pad, i-phone, cable tv and high-speed broadband? Damned primitives!
‘left wing’ is basically a white men’s invention…
Everything is a “white man’s invention” what isn’t?
off the top of my head: gun powder, paper, and the compass by the Chinese; writing, by the Mesopotamians, the Egyptian toothpaste, breath mints and bowling, just to name a few…
Backward moron!
Their lifestyle is so “charming” and lovely, you should join them, Kapticook. You certainly have that option. What’s holding you back? All throughout history, and all the world over, people have fled the hardships and rigors of primitive tribal life to come to the city and create (gasp!) civilization. I have no diseases, no alcohol problems. As to “religion,” how has your atheism worked out? Atheist Stalin killed tens of millions. Atheist Mao Tse Tung killed even more.Leftist atheists think they have all the answers, which have culminated in the likes of North Korea and Cuba.
You have said only have of society’s problem. I am cuban/american and I know exactly how it is….kudos for your statement Mr Washington
Your religion and your systematic brainwash through the years of your life make you blind.Go to Cuba and see the reality do not believe the dirty propaganda of the controlled media mainly in USA.Religion is only invented to control the mind of people. God is only the life,we are the gods who made life for better or for worse. Wake up
Surely the Spanish Inquisition and burning of witches were invented by atheists.So were the crusades, 9/11 and human sacrifice.The list is endless.
q q will see
q q will see
Every year millions of people die before birth by voluntary abortion. Are they guilty religions? The abortion is the heritage of atheism, and there is more victims than the Crusades or the Inquisition. In addition, the Inquisition Spanish not is model of a Religion, and not killed indiscriminately, sino con procesos legales limitados.Hay que estudiar un tema antes de opinar; We must think before repeating phrases.
Here in the U.S., over 40 million have been killed by abortion in the past 50 years. That is the heritage of atheism.
Falso de toda falsedad…no se han visto ordas de ateos arrasando poblaciones, Los gobernantes yanquis no son ateos…cuantos muertos en Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. etc.
Since when is legitimate, kill, steal, violar….
No se justifica que unos ignorntes como los inquisidores…matarn a otros mas ignorantes que ellos, and where they were selectively killed those who them inconvinient kill.
Si son personas “antes de nacer”, entonces no son personas… En lugar de decir tonterias, “hay que pensar antes de repitir frases hechas”… !
You are right the list is endless, and God is furieus about it…………….Jes 26:21.
Your are ok for almost everything, except for atheism, you have not named the great men andwomen who were atheists and contributed to make our life better in almost every field of thisworld we live in. You should have named all religions that killed people in the name of God.Yvon Tetreault
That’s so so true! thanks.
Trash talk
i tasted a nice civilized blowjob from your girlfriend last night
god killed his son for mankind and christians billions for gods name.well it seems that atheist and christian do have common things after all
I agree with you, next we will steal them their freedom, their purity, their innocence, everything we have lost with the “civilization”.
I completely agree with you.
the film is 36 years old. .in this tribe, the elders rarely live past the age of 50. All the adults you have seen here are most likely dead. Disease and malnutrition are the main causes
Well your comment sure puts a different prospective on this. This is the first time ever I’ve heard of them. I guess they survived the exposure. At least, so far, for some 36-odd yrs!
You’re comment is sad and retrograde to say the least….Papua new guinea is a timed island, if it wasn’t for the “White Man” these ppl would still be living up to 50 (max), malnutrition, diseases, ignorance….you talk about innocence,freedom,purity?Why are you using a computer? go to Papua and live you’re life the way you want….It’s kinda redundant criticizing progress using the Internet to do so……Sometimes ignorance is bliss, but you aren’t blessed, just ignorant u and ppl like Fabiola (Brazillian? Indian ascendence?). Read more,learn more and pls make sense in you’re comments. But im not going to lie, i would prefer these ppl to be hunting animals with sticks and to be dead the day after with crazy infections. This kind of “help” to Papua,Africa,Brazil, just served to mine our Europe.Ingrateful ppl…
Its a shame to see comments like yours so full of hate. Human virtues will always seek for development and well being, but when our human vices start to take over our virtues, things such as intolerance and envy destroy our lives and the lives of people who are around us. That can happen anywhere in the world, even in your beloved Europe, but different from you, I don’t want Europeans dead just for stupid comments like yours. Get out more, travel and get to know people from other places… seems like you really need to make your vision broader.
Bring them rubbish stuff and kills their soul and leave them depressed and unsatisfied!
we can´t discuss this so simply.
The white man doesn’t want third world parasites to “live like them”. The third world wants to live like the white man.
i disagree. You dont know if they already have a religion or if they produce their own kind of alcoholic drink.It nice to be romantic but West was not invented. West was made by people who “started their journey” like those people in the video. Greeks, Romans, Goths lived in forests and one day they left them for something better. Its complicated how we ended up here -white people- but instead of simplistic aforisms is better to find a balance among better and worst.
malesting child rape, incest torture death, all taken away from them…
I was excited
Get out of there now PNG natives!! Otherwise disease, junk food and religion will screw you all!
puras mama………quedas amigo rion
did someone say “long pig?”
increiblemente fantastico.. gracias
quel besoin d’aller “polluer” ces gens avec notre “civilisation” qui détruit tout ce qu’elle touche
Henca.Prachtig filmpje, thanks.
Wonderful film. I loved the developing of the feelings of the Papouens ,from suspicious,fear,tention,sirious looks and surprise into curiosity,laugh and happines.
This film clip was so icredible. Thank you! How good these people seem to be. Despite their initial fear of the white man. Whatever happened to them?
I hope this is somewhere on the internet without the terrible music from another continent (There is one on Youtube but it’s in 240p quality, 360p doesn’t work). For the rest this looks great. I’ve been on Papua (West) myself years ago, and then all the kids crowded around my jelling Putih, Putih and they where touching me also. They haven’t seen a white man before in there youngh life. The parent did ofcourse.The movie is not fake.
It is very interesting!!!!! I can’t believe it.
Is incredible, that still exist civilizations with such delay, but they sure are a people without malice, that is what matters!!! Mary.
Translation:In 1976, el Team Explorer Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux llegó por primera vez en contacto con las tribus primitivas de Toulambis (Papua, New Guinea), cuyos miembros habían llegado nunca en contacto con el mundo exterior y tampoco había visto a seres humanos con piel blanca. La cámara la asustada y inmortalizó su completa de curiosa reacción.
fucking fake. spoiled people. how they did haircut?
Leave them alone please
to my me has been very interesting truth and emotional curiosity and fear
Some are mentally more isolated and mired in the tribe that the indigenous of the documentary; lástima de historia y medios… tirados. Then you feel angry when you qualify as provincial. Continue so going well.
It is played video and music of indigenous peoples of North America.
Claro que la música es de norteamérica.En muchos momentos como este el hombre blanco ha encontrado a tribus indígenas como ésta.También pienso que la imagen es demasiado nítida para ser de 1976. Pero así sería.Estoy de acuerdo, that they let live in peace.
lot of filozofy here and in three languages Very good muy bueno et vraiment tres bien… et les esrprits s’echauffent! But I wonder if those guys could see that whitish chick dating asians accross their screen, and if they think it's much better than a box of matches? Oh sorry she was not there 36 ago tough luck pure people. All the comments earlier on spoiled this for me a little so i revenge with my stuff.
4 languages, more exactly. And with mine, five. . Innocence and purity of mind taking primary contact, Unfortunately, cu „ minunata lume nouă ” mistificatoare … .
I loved this movie..
I have been among indigenous peoples in the Amazon basin, and I can tell you with certainty that, regardless of the possible merits of this video’s intended message, it is certainly scripted and acted out according to previous arrangement.
see the date… it is 1976……
I think this is FAKE. Too clear to be recorded in1976. If it is not the history repeats itself. LEAVE THEM ALONE !!!!!
1976 is not prehistory… The Godfather was recorded in 1971 and Star Wars in 1977… Images in these movies were not less clears than these ones.
Superficially you can like it. Once you start to reflect on the whole videostory there are too many things that disturb your happiness. In the first place, the movements seem acted, the whole thing seems fake and this is confirmed by this link (already given twice by others):
Even if the film is authentic, it’s indeed a proof of arrogance by western human beings to show these primitives things they don’t know only to watch how amazed they are. As if they really need knives, white rice, camera’s etc. I hope they survived this meeting with civilization. That’s not evident at all!
I totally agree Maria Ferruica, much we can learn from them.. hopefully just be a documentary and not take advantage to destroy their habitat as usual man.
How dumb to show these native objects that can only disrupt their peaceful existences.
It was necessary to bring them alcohol also ! c’est navrant et pas une bonne pub pour ces “explorateurs” de pacotille qui ne respectent rien !
not understand the process !!!, plus he judge !!!!!
There is a refreshing honesty and native intelligence at work her. I visited the webpagehttp://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00223340410001684868 the dis-believers credit in crying fake and found the text referenced another tribe/area of n Elitest bigots prefer to think white men are the only ones capable of ew Guinea. I especially liked their sign for new ideas 9tapping the back of their head). There interst in seeing if the ‘colour’ would come off, and their ease of using matches, only 2 false starts to grasp it then discard the useage – after all matches arn;t readily available to them. The rice eqating and preference for fingering their food was refreshing. in all great video of cultural exchange.
If had been explorers Spanish already has them would have loaded,es lo que hicieron con todas las civilizaciones en la conquista de America.Solo les quedan los catalanes…
This it says Jordi as a good Spanish that is, tonto por naturaleza por tirar puedras contra su propio tejado… a ver si viajas un poquito y asi aprenderás de cuantas cosas puedes sentirte orgulloso de tu país…
Proud of that ? Spain's tambourine ? in which the culture is limited to bulls, bullfighters and paella with bleeding ? You know ? There is a reality mas alla de flamenco. How good would have Spanish rating the diversity of our culture from respect and not just dismiss what separates cani culture
Not be that these proud, de la Cataluña de burgeses que apoyaron a Franco para conseguir todos los privilegios que tenéis mientras aplastaba al resto del país.Los que dicen las sandeces que tu dices sois unos títeres de los ignorantes que todavía os siguen engañando en Cataluña. Ya va siendo hora de que desperteis y dejéis de hacer el borrego a los que os gobiernan en esa taifa.Afortunadamente en Cataluña no todos opinan igual.
Anonymous, as the typical Spanish, te descalificas a ti mismo.Vascos y catalanes, followed by locals, We are the ones who most traveled the world, and precisely, The Catalans dominated the Mediterranean and me ashamed that they were Basque sailors who headed in his conquests to the Spanish, por todos los oceanos del planeta.Orgulloso de España?, Hahaha, of their corruption?, of his picaresque?, of your envy, gossip, hypocrisy and falsehood?, of his monarchy corrupt?, a Bourbon that had no where drop dead, and now it has one of the 10 biggest European fortunes, based on dark business, over hunting the most beautiful land animals? and with that falls? loud and proud, LOL
I strongly believe this is a fake footage. The movements of the natives look too elavorated. They keep watching the cameras to make sure the viewers are watching them. IT'S A FAKE TO ME!!!!
Often ignorant are made friend. ANDA lee, that everything is in the books
If you are made an ignorant ! You mean this in the books ? that Hitler's Mein Kanf is true ? Spain did not exist as a nation in 1492 under the cathedral. Those who were were not Spanish and were certainly not Catalan, they were from the Kingdom of Castile.
Knights:Aun que sea mentira podriamos admitir que la actuacion de los indios fue muy buena y confiar que puedan seguir desnudos y con vestimentas de tela de yute por un largo rato.Una victima del descubrimiento del 1492
Ignorance is daring. You Cross if that not you read just the history of this Holy country. In 1492 , at the beginning of the conquest of America, the Spanish State or Spain, still there was,and the Iberian Peninsula was dominated by 4 kingdoms. Y, by the way,the Kingdom of Navarra that was finally brutally conquered in 1512 by the Castile, whose sad 500th anniversary is this year.
Very well said !! but have them explain to a group of myopic cultural they would do the same as their ancestors if they had opportunity. Are the same that look of destroy the culture Catalan because is different that it yours.
What have the nationalism, the Catalan and the Spanish I only am a citizen of the world by that
don't tell me?, is that the Catalan, Basques and Spaniards are not citizens of the world or what? Please!, going to very cool.
Bobo if would like to now ye last to the museums. Rovira specimen of the Catalan autonomy, dwarf and Cabezón.
Spaniards like you, os descalificais a vosotros mismos.Demuestras una vez más, your spirit conqueror lacking of all respect human.
,,,,,Yes, the Catalan and the Basque also. Although made time because we conquered.
,,,,,Yes, the Catalan and the Basque also. Although made time because we conquered.