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1976, the Team Explorer Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux came for the first time in contact with the primitive tribe of Toulambis (Papua, New Guinea), whose members hadn't ever come in contact with the outside world and neither had seen man with white skin. The camera captured the fearful and full of curiosity their reaction.
After reading the comments I must say it is frightening how many people are convinced that all people who believe in God are out to do the world, and the people in it, harm. While history has plenty of examples of white and or “religious” people doing other cultures harm, both intentionally and not. It is ignorant to disregard all the good that has been done. To you narrow minded folks out there….there are plenty of white Christians who are loving, hard working, charitable people seeking to help others, and the idea we are like the harsh, cruel missionaries of over 100 years ago is wrong. BTW…they weren’t all bad then either. It is so sad to see how many people have such a narrow, deceptive World View. A friend of mind that lived almost 9 years in Europe, mostly England, has told me of the extreme Anti-Semitic attitude that is prevalent. Racism is evil, regardless of the victims. People need to realize that cruelty, greed, envy, hate, injustice, and abuse of power are examples of the enemy, not entire races or religions. There are imperfect people involved in all religions, cultures etc. The only cultures that deserve blanket criticism are ones that embrace behaviors mentioned in the list of evil ones. (Not intended at a complete list.)
The tribe of Toulambis meets white man for the first time
An incredible moment shared to all of us, the moment when two races, cultures and technological and scientific advances are placed in the same place … finally the man meets the man with respect, fear and curiosity to end in celebration
absolutely agreed .what a shame!!!!!!
Es inclreible y maravilloso…!!!
It is amazing and very exciting.. !
Belle Leçon de vie !
Sad and amazing in the same time….
Already earned mothers with that poor people, are already going to contaminate the scum of humanity, so pure living in their natural habitat and already are going to begin to exploit the filthy modern cultures and supposedly civilized ! Rest in peace !
A real treasure to view. What a kind scene of curiousity and trust.Most enjoyable to view.Thank you for the fine opportunity.Roberta B. Lewis-SolarCoral Springs, Florida
Impressive and emotional ,our brothers who live nature in peace and harmony with it without contaminating it,or destroy it. This shows how much remains to discover and that the human being to been created to live in peace and love with yours!!
indeed beautiful and sad at the same time.we will bring them civilization with all it’s evil parts.they don’t need it to be happy.Jean Soliman
Atheism is a lie. No one is an atheist except those who are on the very verge of suicide. Everyone believes in and worships something or someone. When an individual no longer has any faith, the commit suicide. So even many who are self-proclaimed atheists believe in a God with rules to live by. A prominent atheist once said unless you are willing to sleep with your mother, your sister, your daughter, you are a closet Christian. This illustrates that even among the most ardent Atheist, he too believes there are limits to his behavior. In reality man will either worship the Creator, or the creature but he will most certainly worship something. Most “atheists are worshipers of themselves which means they are selfish.
http://asopa.typepad.com/asopa_people/2011/07/toulambi-1976-contact-fact-or-fable.htmlThe Toulambis of the film are really the Ankave-Anga people from near Menyamya. The records indicate that these people were visited by at least six Australian government patrols between 1929 and 1972: 1929 Middleton; 1950 Chester, 1951 Mathieson; 1965 O’Brien; 1967 Police patrols; 1972 Meikle.In fact Meikle found the people talking basic Tok Pisin learned at Menyamya.Historical sources reveal that the so-called Toulambis had steel tools and western implements more than 40 years before their encounter with Dutilleux, and were regular visitors to the administrative center of Menyamya the early 1970’s – which was only a few days walk for them.This familiarity with the outside world is confirmed by ethnography, and in particular one Toulambi man spent two months in prison in Menyamya in the early ’70’s. Admittedly some remote groups may not have had regularly contact with the Australian administration before the 1960’s, but they certainly did by the time Dutilleux encountered them.When Lemonnier viewed the film for the first time he exclaimed: “I’m outraged!” He described the Dutilleux production as “untruthful, racist, revolting”. Apparently Lemonnier recognised immediately the place where the fake “first encounter” had been filmed. The stream is known as New Year Creek, and the members of the “unknown tribe” probably walked for about a day from their settlement to reach the appointed well-lit meeting-place.This had been conveniently cleared for the filming, with a few logs thrown into the creek so that the people could emerge confidently from the jungle (most unusual behaviour) and move naively towards the camera crew.Lemonnier adds: “At that spot, they were about a four-day walk from an administrative centre with a schoolteacher, airstrip, radio, nurse and Seventh-Day Adventist preachers. Nearby, the navigable river Vailala enables the Papuans to reach the coast, where they exchange bark capes for tools.”For his criticism, Lemonnier faced a court case for slander in 1997, but the historical records support his case.So how was the film made? Simple – the locals were paid for their performance and rehearsed in how to act their parts. In fact they were enterprising enough to have done this for several other ‘first-contact’ filmmakers before and after Dutilleux.http://asopa.typepad.com/asopa_people/2011/07/toulambi-1976-contact-fact-or-fable.html
there goes another way of life! I doubt it is for the better. those children are middle age now. what are their lives like?
There is a folklore going round in Newfoundland that in the years around WWII that some American soldiers had managed to survive their sinking vessel and rescued by the locals. Among those rescused was a black American. In these rural fishing outports of this isolated island, it was the first time they had come across a black person. Some of the kind folks thought that some chemical had got on the body of the poor sod and tried to wash off the blackness with soap. I am not sure if this story is true, but it is an interesting story.
I agree with you guys. Some 18 years ago, en the colombian jungle, unfortunatelly, the Nuka-Maku tribe were found near by an small town calle San Jose del Guiavare, SE Llanos. As they were found, they had not even notion of any indumentary to cover their bodies, they were naked at all, hunting for food and in a very primitive stage…but happy as nobody else. As today, they are hunging around that San Jose small village but mostly drunk to say the minimun.. no many of them are left but not for long though..
Because we must violate, beliefs, Customs and want others to do our, the history not us has shown it enough how much we have wrong, as I am sure of possessing the truth? No one thing is or will be
extraordinario…!!!! gracias por compartir…!!!
His great innocence is seen ,something little unusual in our days ,its fearful looks to the new the most beautiful smiles and acceptance I am excited!
I think this is an old film – if not leave them alone lets hope there are no minerals or hardwoods around.jillie.bear
I never have imagined such a beautiful story,I hope we give them as possible Miss guard their own identities !
non of the song or the Album please :)
I mean name :)
How beautiful to see this type of video, because we see the evolutionary avace, we have as human beings. And what we need to follow that process. Thank you very much, and many blessings.
you … anglosaksons!!!!!!!!!! we know why you do it…..
Amazing, Goes to show that all people can live and love together with just good will and understanding notwithstanding the greater or lesser differences. I agree with KapiticookWhat bothers me is the eating of what looked like white rice. I have no doubt that the moment these “natural” people start to eat the white man’s diet, any element of health that they might have, will disappear. It has happened before. There was a study done in South Africa that after the natives of South Africa started to eat white sugar, salt and white flour, they developed high blood pressure, diabetes, bad teeth etc. Those that say Disease and malnutrition are the main causes that they didn’t live beyond the age of 50, forget that the diseases we have today are far worse than disease of an acute nature that by their very character can pass on their own.. They certainly didn’t look like suffering from malnutrition. I am in no waycompletely deriding our civilization but the corruption, the materialism, the excess accent on technology, the lack of spirituality (not necessarily as it is practised by many religions) and bad nutrition, bad medicine that thinks that popping a pill will solve all our health problem, are killing us not in years but in quality.of life. So what to all your praising of our civilization Loolie
Amazing, Goes to show that all people can live and love together with just good will and understanding notwithstanding the greater or lesser differences.I agree with KapiticookWhat bothers me is the eating of what looked like white rice. I have no doubt that the moment these “natural” people start to eat the white man’s diet, any element of health that they might have, will disappear. It has happened before. There was a study done in South Africa that after the natives of South Africa started to eat white sugar, salt and white flour, they developed high blood pressure, diabetes, bad teeth etc.Those that say Disease and malnutrition are the main causes that they didn’t live beyond the age of 50, forget that the diseases we have today are far worse than disease of an acute nature that by their very character can pass on their own.. They certainly didn’t look like suffering from malnutrition. I am in no waycompletely deriding our civilization but the corruption, the materialism, the excess accent on technology, the lack of spirituality (not necessarily as it is practised by many religions) and bad nutrition, bad medicine that thinks that popping a pill will solve all our health problem, are killing us not in years but in quality.of life. So what to all your praising of our civilizationLoolie
Too bad there is no dislike button for all those religious nut jobs comments