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'I am a Muslim. Not a terrorist. Trust in you. You trust me; Give me a hug'
These were the words on his feet as Askan he stood blindfolded and hands outstretched in a busy street in Stockholm, in Sweden. The Askan took part part in this experiment to raise awareness against generalized fear and hatred displayed towards Muslims and Islam.
Good and very humbling experiment. Especially in Sweden ,where was, It is not a question of culture. Interesting if we did the experiment in France who klapsane zwes. And also vice versa with Christian in Syria. The second better not, I guess not a good idea.
to paidi einai gkeke den to katalvaineis?fasistoulis asteioulis kai kala
And where the embrace, να πει ένα Αλάχ Ακμπάρ και να εκραγεί.Χαχ0χαχ0χα0χα0χαχ
χαχαχαχαχαχα….το πήγες σε άλλο επίπεδο το θέμα χαχαχαχαχα.Βασικά ωραίο θα ηταν να κάνουν ντου η μπάτσοι και να τον μαζέψουν ως τρομοκράτη χαχααχαχα