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I am Muslim, Trust me;

“Είμαι μουσουλμάνος. Not a terrorist. Trust in you. You trust me; Δώσε μου μια αγκαλιά”

These were the words on his feet as Askan he stood blindfolded and hands outstretched in a busy street in Stockholm, in Sweden. The Askan took part part in this experiment to raise awareness against generalized fear and hatred displayed towards Muslims and Islam.

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  1. Ninja says:

    Good and very humbling experiment. Especially in Sweden ,where was, It is not a question of culture. Interesting if we did the experiment in France who klapsane zwes. And also vice versa with Christian in Syria. The second better not, I guess not a good idea.

  2. DDR3 says:

    to paidi einai gkeke den to katalvaineis?fasistoulis asteioulis kai kala

  3. Septic Septic says:

    And where the embrace, να πει ένα Αλάχ Ακμπάρ και να εκραγεί.Χαχ0χαχ0χα0χα0χαχ

    • Thyv7 says:

      χαχαχαχαχαχα….το πήγες σε άλλο επίπεδο το θέμα χαχαχαχαχα.Βασικά ωραίο θα ηταν να κάνουν ντου η μπάτσοι και να τον μαζέψουν ως τρομοκράτη χαχααχαχα