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The woman who escaped from North Korea

At the One Young World conference in October 2014 in Dublin, Ireland, the Yeonmi Park, a young woman from North Korea, explains the reality of life in the country of. The 21chroni tells the story from the moment of her birth until he left the country with her mother and explains the terrible reality of dictatorship, under which thousands of men and women suffer.

A country without internet, with only one tv channel, where a single phone abroad can be punished with death. A country where 70% of young women are victims of abuse, and sometimes sold in China for less than $ 200.

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  1. Chou to pouli ! says:

    Kai that managed to escape and learn k English ;;; Are CIA , give expression !! And truth to be , the girl tsipaki m that will put hand cuffs you again !

  2. Friday Tzevelekou says:

    Not long ago!The dictator of North Korea,during an official ceremony presentation military,λέγεται πως πέρασε μπροστά από 3 “υπαλλήλους” του,where a little later,ordered their execution because they simply don't smiled. If it is false the video that another regards every dictatorship in countries dominated by this!Respect the intelligence of everyone of us and only. I can't believe that there are fellow human beings who are doubtful for the abominations of dictators or at other times or today. I cannot accept that need dictatorship to allow anyone to impose their laws on the citizens of the State of!Intelligence and just smart and healthy brain needs something unfortunately few leaders politicians have today. How anyone can trust,a country that grabs the dogs from the street and the fleece and bakes public,that erpetai and moves made necessary food. And unfortunately there are many countries that have razed everything. Isn't there for them human worth there are no human rights. Μην ΑΔΙΑΦΟΡΕΙΤΕ …Ακόμα και αν κάποια από αυτά είναι ψευδή,Surely some of them,είναι πραγματικότητα… Σας ευχαριστώ….

  3. spyros says:


  4. Vassilis Markakis says:

    Even the fluent English for one Young who lived through the misery in a country apomwnwmeni-dictatorship. Ενδιαφέρον…

    • panosfp says:

      Και στημενο να ειναι δεν απεχει πολυ απο την πραγματικοτητα…..εμενα αλλο μου εκανε εντυπωση…εκλαιγε χωρις δακρυα….ομως αν χρειαζομαστε ακομα και κροκοδειλια δακρυα για να ευαισθητοποιηθουμε ας ειναι…εδω λουζομαστε αλλα και αλλα…

      • Vassilis Markakis says:

        The video with the Kuwaiti spotted; See for what it was;How do we know what is the reality; We have analogous information/propaganda from North Korea; “ομως αν χρειαζομαστε ακομα και κροκοδειλια δακρυα για να ευαισθητοποιηθουμε ας ειναι” Πως είναι δυνατόν να πιστεύεις κάτι τέτοιο, the truth that is why it is not enough; How innocent we'll be if plagued thousands of innocent as it was in Iraq, If revisiting monstrous lies, and we applaud;

        • panosfp says:

          Το ειδα και φαινεται να ειναι ψευτικο αλλα να σε ρωτησω….αν δεν υπηρχε αυτη η λεξη μπροστα (fake) Posi assume it would like?If that amfisbiteis made such made in n. Korea not to contract any syzitisoyme..

    • Nick says:

      Το έσκασε στα 14 και είναι 21… Πες άλλα 2 χρόνια να ορθοποδήσει κλπ, 16. They do not reach five years to speak English so;Δεν λέω ότι διαφωνώ με αυτό που πιστεύεις – μιλώ καθαρά για το επιχείρημα των Αγγλικών που έθεσες.

  5. Guest says:

    Λές και είναι κακόγουστο αστείο Βίντεο copy-paste…

  6. Guest says:


  7. Vassilis Markakis says:

    What reminds me!!!“Οι Ιρακινοί πετούσαν τα νεογέννητα από τις θερμοκοιτίδες (1991)” «Πολίτες για την Απελευθέρωση του Κουβέιτ» “One Young World”Μου μυρίζει πόλεμος… κατι τέτοια δείχνανε και για τον Σαντάμ Χουσεϊν, and countless people lost their lives and thousands tortured years now, and ultimately governs the Jihad (ISIS)And a question: How can China 1,4 δίς ανθρώπων να δίνει κατ’ ατομο 200$, to buy and others;

  8. kmeg says:

    I have no idea how pass but I appreciate nor you..

  9. kmeg says:

    O administrator of Videoman before writing a comment that expresses a belief in some historical events, It is advisable to do a basic search for the truth. Quoting two link showing that the Park is just a trim and propaganda organ.

    • Septic says:

      So in North Korea a playground pass. E tell eh BRO and me something I smelled in history.

      • FormISvoiD says:

        septic….εννοειται….περνανε τελεια…αλλα καποιοι κακοι ανθρωποι κανουν προπαγανδα.σα δε ντρεπονται…!