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A convicted killer explains with incredible coolness to the judge, why he killed sygkratoymeno of. 'I killed him because he was a pedophile,' said 51-year-old Stephen Sandison simply., declaring guilty of murdering inmates in October 2014, in prison Saginaw (Michigan, USA). Then he described without hesitation the manner in which it did.
Trying to dikaiologisoyn why we elpizoyn any correctly, ο συγκεκρημενος εκανε λαθος και σκοτωθηκε.Θα ηθελα να ξερω τι ειχε κανει ο τυπος με τα γιαλια και ειναι καταδηκασμενος.
Of course we realize that our society (I mean people) It is and will probably continue to be a covert jungle!! Even the most powerful, fraudulent, perverted will be imposed and killed, rape, rack, robbed, καταπιέσει….τον πιο αδύναμο, indifferent, apathetic. Laws is a generality that expresses the average morality of each society!!There are even now societies castrating of minds and bodies to (boys or girls). I think perhaps we should institutionalize countries, τόποι που να πηγαίνει όποιος θέλει εκεί οικειοθελώς και να συναναστρέφεται με ομοίους ώστε να μην ενοχλείται κανείς…Στο συγκεκριμένο θέμα λοιπόν ας πούμε ότι θα υπάρχει κάποια χώρα!!! στην οποία οι ίδιοι οι παιδεραστές θα μπορούν να βιάζουν τα παιδάκια άλλα θα έχουν εκεί και τα δικά Τους παιδάκια να τα βιάζει ο διπλανός…και να αναγκαστούν να τα παρηγορήσουν, treat, ανεχτούν την τρέλα και την ανασφάλεια που θα τους προξενηθεί…και φυσικά να είναι τελείως ελεύθερα τα παιδάκια αυτά να τους σκοτώσουν άμα έτσι τους βγαίνει κάποια παρόρμηση χωρίς να δικαστούν…Νομίζω ότι όλοι τότε θα ήταν ευχαριστημένοι…Σωστά…
Well they say specifically where the laws. You are absolutely right (the first 5 lines).Αλλά θεωρώ οτι σε μια ιδανική – ουτοπικη κοινωνία δεν θα υπάρχει ούτε ενας νόμος γιατί θα είναι αχρείαστος,so I think that the more laws, more immoral society. Really what lies behind this wants to imposed,kill, rape, suppress; That is where we need to focus and we will see the solution ahead of us ,όσο αφορα την συγκεκαλυμμένη ζούγλκα.Αν λύσουμε αυτο το ζητήμα η κοινωνία θα κάνει πνευματικά άλματα και δεν θα υφίστανται τα σημερινα προβλήματα. It is still early because there is ignorance, and usually knowledge comes when there are needs. Unfortunately we will go for the worst case scenario ,before these issues become survival needs ,for knowledge to come in turn.
Not all pedophiles itself. Most have not hurt humans. More specifically, 95% of, They have not expressed their sexual desires. Living through the oppression and hide a lifetime. They deserve a lot of thumbs can and suppress prohibited for our society , sexuality. It's something that you have chosen , but born with it. Only about 5% of the abusive. Beyond that, sexuality has many forms and realizes how many. By the same sheet, with multiple partners, with animals , with that imaginable. .and in all this he is with children. Οπότε οφείλουμε να δείξουμε λίγο περισσότερη κατανόηση.Αν ο ίδιος βίαζε κανέναν 45χρόνο ή μια γυναίκα βίαζε εναν άνδρα ,we would say the same; A 45-year-old has less value than a child; If yes, explain to me why I am stupid and I do not understand what is the difference that makes me laugh in one case and in the other to say well he did;and to God I do not put up with the children who write the comments , but I believe that this view represents more than 95% of our society and I am saddened that our way of thinking is so far from what the great sages of mankind have taught, like Jesus . That is why I did not go to church or to commune with these saints. days. Hypocrisy goes hand in hand with who is a Christian and who is not. I do not see anyone between us. Neither am I, of course.
Buddy before post them wrote that the read? φυσικά και θα ενδιαφερθώ περισσότερο για την κακοιποίηση ενος παιδιού απο ένα ενήλικα και φυσικά και η κακοποίηση ενος ενήλικα είναι κατάπτηστη και για αυτό και διώκεται ποινικά…και φυσικά ενας 45 χρονος έχει μικρότερη αξία απο ένα παιδάκι. σε καμία περιπτωση δεν θα γελάσεις…δευτερον δεν μπορεί να εξισώνεις την παιδοφιλία και την κτηνοβασια με την ομοφυλοφυλία ή την επιλογή πολλαπλών συντρόφων. from the beginning has been wrong your thought. και εξηγούμαι…πρώτα έχουμε να κάνουμε με συναινεση…στην κτηνοβασια δεν υπαρχει κατι τετοιο και φυσικά ουτε στον βιασμο (MINOR, ADULT). if you have come in contact with children (yours or nieces etc) you will find that a child is characterized by an innocence which if at any time you see her erotically you must ask for help. δεν ξερω αν ανοικεις σε αυτη τη κατηγορία και υπερασπίζεσαι τους παιδόφιλους αλλα αν ναι ΖΗΤΑ ΒΟΗΘΕΙΑ.δεν θα λυπηθώ για την καταπίεση του 95% των παιδόφιλών (I did not find any official statistics though). if they are attracted to children at some point this oppression will come out .. 'thailand is full of tourists after all. αν ενιωθα ελ΄ξη προς παιδιά το π΄ρωτο πράγμα που θα έκανα είοναι να ζητησω ψυχολογική στήριξη.Καμία λυπήση για κανενα παιδόφιλο και φυσικά δεν θα κάνουμε τον κάθε φυλακισμένο ήρωα. we do not know the crimes of this gentleman, but I can certainly justify his action, act of a man who while he has definitely violated some moral boundaries to be in prison, ουτε αυτός δεν μπορει να ανατέξει την πράξη της παιδοφιλίας…
I would be ashamed to mock at and would not do it then. Forgive me if you feel that I play it superior with the above statement but I write it for the first and last time that I do not pay attention to such a style and I skip it because I accept the irony. Do many people, if I write and I will give you ironically presses that will make you angry without reason and without having a healthy exchange of views. Δηλάδη το πρώτο σχόλιο και αυτο με την βοήθεια ήταν περριτά.ΚΑτ’αρχας όταν γράφω κάτι το κάνω βιαστικά και οι σκέψεις περνάνε γρήγορα ,and with a personal inability to express myself precisely,the explanation is sometimes problematic and needs some corrections. Στο λέω για να δείς οτι δεν έχω κάτι μαζί σου αλλιώς δεν θα εμπαινα καν στον κόπο να το αναφέρω όλο αυτό.Στο θέμα μας. You accept the difference in sexuality; If not, τότε ότι και να πω δεν θα καταλάβεις Αν ναι. Then maybe you are more receptive to the fact that there is pedophilia that often manifests itself with the appropriate stimuli in the environment. For example I remember a school guard. Wrong sexuality in the wrong place. It is logical what happened but it is absurd to accept it. For example, there have always been gays in history. We always look at them with half an eye (so to speak). Why; It is something that exists and will exist forever. Now, of course, this sexuality has been released lately. It is good that people have broken some taboos for these people. Of course, some are very sexual and some are extremely forbidden in our society. But they will never cease to exist. They may never occur if there is no suitable environment. I remember a story about America's hottest desert, where one day after too many years , it rained , the next it bloomed in many places. The seeds were always there. Just the rain was the stimulus. There is nothing that you can do about it. just do not pour water. But if you throw, you must know what seeds you have planted. If I were a pedophile I would not dare to tell anyone. I would keep it an eternal secret as much as I could because society itself would force me to do it. If society showed understanding , without judgment from our fellow citizens, then I would mention it and I would not be ashamed of it. That would have consequences, let my fellow citizens take care of me and I would rely on them for help before I caused anything. We are more to blame than they are. and since the issue has taken on so many dimensions and I am glad to have the opportunity to say so much, το μυστικό της αφύπνισης είναι να δεχτούμε τα πάντα χωρίς κρίση και ταμπέλες και να δούμε τι μπορούμε να κάνουμε για να διορθώσουμε τα πράγματα.Και με την ευκαιρία, up to what age should the child be in order to be considered a pedophile;
not to mock, and of course I believe in diversity in love. η εμονή σου σε όλα τα σχόλια να υπερσαπιστείς τους παιδεραστές αφήνει ερωτηματικό..επίσης και η χρήση ψευδόνυμου….. dude can you say and to believe that you want, η έλξη προς παιδιά αποτελει ψυχική διαταραχή και όχι διαφορετικότητα.Ακόμα και όταν έχει να κανει με 15χρονα που νομιζω απο εκει ο νομος επιτρεπει και πάλι υπαρχει θέμα..καθως οτι είναι νόμιμο δεν είναι και ηθικό…Σε παρακαλώ μην απαντήσεις, I find it unacceptable to defend anything to do with child rape, ψυχικά και σωματικά…Και επαναλαμβάνω αν ανηκεις στο 95% που λες των καταπιεσμένων…ΖΗΤΑ ΒΟΗΘΕΙΑ…
Ωραία….δεκτον. Ψυχική διαταραχή και οχι διαφορετικότητα…οπως και να έχει δεν μπορω να πω , well made and skotose.Opoios and that was obscene and ekane.Mporo But to say that he found before him and died with abominations did. the action (of rape) causing reaction (to kill him). And besides that, if it is to kill the mentally disturbed, Greetings. I went to emphasize and justify hatred remove and nothing else. Not keep. End.
Go well eh dude;You are going to compare the incomparable;Defenseless children who do not even know what they have between their legs;Αυτοί οι παιδεραστές που δεν έχουν εκδηλωθεί ΔΕΝ είναι παιδεραστές…έχουν απλά την επιθυμία να πάνε με παιδιά, if they do very well!Έχω τρία παιδιά…εάν καταλάβω κάτι τέτοιο σίγουρα θα πάω φυλακή!
If you're going to jail this will support you as terrible if it was what he did, and you were quite right. Reading and above and below what I wanted to say so as not to rewrite.
Bravo to kyrio.Poly well ekane.Kata my opinion on pedophilia not worth zoun.Eidika for them there should be death penalty.
In merchants powerful drugs that kill older,Judges who acquit the , lawyers who defend them at risk tethontas how even young children can lead to death; To tobacco manufacturers and employees causing incalculable damage ; In ntavantzides that lets raped girls 17 18 years; In farmachoviomichanous only do us good, farmers that poisons us our own food , causing even more damage than an occasional rape sparsely and where; To the uniformed officers who are willing to carry out any order from any mentally ill commander; Hitler, και πόσοι άλλοι….Οι τραπεζίτες που ξεγέλασαν με τα δάνεια τον κοσμάκι και ανάγκασαν χιλίαδες κόσμος να αυτοκτονήσει; Unprecedented for Greece. And we were so upset by a rape; Στο τέλος θα έμενε ”τρεις και ο κούκος”
If you seriously asking if we hurt the rape of children very,really lose my words to your apantiso.Egrapsa death of especially in this and not in what is referred,unjustly adults who have a way to antidrasoun.Oi pharmaceutical eg. by definition criminals?A landlord FARM. partners possibly a drug has saved 100.000 humans and enrich themselves from this equates Pedophilia,the,what more sichameno in society?The cigarette of the pharmaceutical poke by force in the mouth of someone?Even bankers HaVE anywhere loan by force?Αν κανεις δικα σου παιδια θα καταλαβεις…
My buddy , little hurry. Rape of a child is a serious event and of serious traumatic consequences if not observed. I do not support in any way the rapists. If I did , τότε κατι δεν πάει καλά με εμένα και θα συμφωνήσω οτι ειμαι για δεσιμο.Οι φαρμακευτικες, like almost all groups , industries, etc. all you are interested in is profit and nothing else, and if the gain brings power , man would do anything to get more indifferent to the consequences. There are certainly right medicine, but there are many more that aim to eliminate the symptoms rather than solve the problem. This brings all the profit. There is thousands of years of medicine that has been called Alternative, and the one that is only 100 years old and they consider it a classic. Tobacco manufacturers fooled people as well as banks by showing us enviable standards. eg in the 1st case actors, films with averta cigarette ,passing on a message of independence and prestige, not really knowing its true effects. Indeed, they did not force it on us but left us to think that it is our choice to smoke. As for the banks, of course, they relied on this human weakness, for more goods ,as long as they have debauched him with the same standards up and down, disguising the actual consequences in the event that the loan is not repaid, not showing the slightest sensitivity that is appropriate. The Farmer is one of the same in the name of profit and the display of wealth. (cars etc.) This makes me the rapist not to have him first on the list of things that need to change immediately. I would like you to notice that I react with our way of thinking , that for such an event we do like crazy,and in everything else we sleep.
Because you are probably youngest,in that age-I think-the solved all in your mind,,I'll apantiso.Den I do like whack for paiderasti.Apla required to die because if you go out of jail WILL XANAVIASEI PAIDI.kai this does not accepts. You know that you sleep for other?Alternative medicine,There are indeed here and chiliieties and until the last 100 years that said people are dying like chickens,the m.o.zois was 50.M alternative medicine parousa.Kerdoskopoi and greedy pharmaceutical companies,symfono.Alla this does not make them criminals,and from god ignored again that medicines and save millions of lives,whether you like it or not is true. Petroleum products do a great deal of harm,We would have no horses, but we would still have horses and live in 1930. Until the alternative sources produce the colossal energy we need, we will eat it on the map. The same goes for smoking. I do not accept the image of the unfortunate being deceived and given a loan,they deceive him and he smokes(the packages say CANCER in black letters,if you do not see it, the industrialists were not to blame).The citizen must be informed.And as you can see there are 2 sides to everything,μην εισαι δογματικος.Και ο παιδεραστης δεν φταιει που του αρεσουν παιδια.Ειναι η φυση του.Φταιει που τα βιαζει.Και επιμενω οτι του πρεπει θανατος.Οχι γιατι ”του αξιζει”.Αλλα για να μη βιασει τα επομενα παιδια.
I accept your opinion but no agreement. Quite possibly do after prison. Since he is ill and reduce the prison does not solve the problem. We have technology for infinite energy. Man is made to live for perhaps 150 years. The drugs actually save lives ekkatomyria. But why take drugs because there is another way healthier for the body; for not much tire the finish here, I have not solve anything. I have a lot to learn yet.
Spasmodic with pedophiles is that they try to justify!!
Not far from the thought of the act. There are people and people. I've heard of so many people doing obscene things on their blur, as to kill comrades, brothers, parents things that have regret and ashamed with that have lost communication with the logic. So surely accept that blurs when you lose logic and operates entirely without emotion. If this is rapist , killer , robber, suicide, and I do not know what else matters. What is important is that is can you lose your mind ,which forces me to accept it as an excuse. Some people lose them much easier than others and even worse and how often you lose them. Like the maniacs.
I can say that well made?
Of course you can. But it was worth it all; In the end we do not know if rape benefited or will benefit this child's development. Can anything come out of that event. None of us knows. The punishment is the most degrading reaction of our species , but love and understanding the exact opposite.. Such events show us who we are and only by this , something may come out.
@ Dimitris81gr tell me that you are not a pedophile please why at all komment see you justified :DΤωρα στα σοβαρα στο θεμα μας.Ολα αυτα που μου λες περι αγαπης και τι θα οφεληση το παιδι και δεν ξερω τι αλλο με το συμπαθειών άλλα ΕΊΝΑΙ μπαρούφες.Η τιμωρία ειναι ο λόγος που μερικοί ανρθωποι μπορουν ακομα να ζουν . eg I could not live knowing that YOU raped my child and that breathe akoma.To I get your life will benefit me and probably some kids that raped unless the kill
You're right.. It has become sounding baroufesimitr and of course if it was your kid 'the mine would do the same. And you like me to kill him without a second thought. I do not know what did it was the first time, but I would criticize that the pedophiles appear to be much more hard ,while ignoring that we are sexual beings with various forms of expression in relation to other phenomena of violence.
Αρα για να καταλάβω τι λες…υπάρχει έστω και ένας τρόπος η λόγος να δικαιολογηθεί ένας παιδεραστής?
I believe that everything around us is justified because everything is linked together and all are interrelated. With this philosophy trying to think and say my opinions. First I am not referring to specific rapist and in particular child because NED know anything about them, but yes, all justified. Unless someone give me a list and tell me which finally justified and which are not. For some reason some events ,such as child abduction for instruments etc. , not show the slightest understanding. This has to do with our peace of mind. We said earlier that if it was your child or my child we would kill him , (which you also justify and everyone understands) because obviously we do not have the peace of mind needed to show understanding. I generally want to scold the way we think through such articles.
Re dimitri not you write and your real name to facilitate the lads UN ?? Που να ψάχνουν τώρα την ip σου κλπ κλπ …. μας έχεις φλομώσει στην διανόηση περί δικαιολογίας των παιδεραστών…. Όμοιος ομοίω αεί πελάζειΑν δεν σου αρέσει η Ελληνική κοινωνία πήγαινε στην Γερμανία, Netherlands, Αμερική ή όπου αλλού οι κοινωνίες είναι τόσο απελευθερωμένες που να ταιριάζουν στα γούστα σου και να δικαιολογούν τα αδικαιολόγητα.Εκτός και αν είσαι troll οπότε κάνεις και πολύ καλά τη δουλειά σου….
Demetrios Fakinos Anargyrou 33 year old. Same name and PV. Mob. 698 065 3691. The data are true. I do not like any developed society. Judge and put signs,our visual'm clean around the ego, we have incredible hatred, greedy, we look at how to satisfy the ego ignoring us for our neighbor and whose consequences,afraid to defend his rights if it is to entangle etc.. but above all we do not know to truly cherish. I'm not better. Some who have defended certain values or crucify them or put them drink hemlock. As for the Peer ilk ever pelazei : Man by nature tends to approach people who look like him,τείνει να συναναστρέφεται τους ομοίους του.ι Δεν το ήξερα σαν εκφραση και ισχύει 100%. Chemistry teaches this. It's all about chemistry.