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Failed hoax on the bus

A child in Brazil wants to make the hoax with Vitale laces, stopping a bus using the entrance to tie his shoes. But the driver of this bus has no intention to leave him unpunished. What is the pranksters now;

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  1. Parris says:

    AMA was my own son would throw and no fine on his behind, not because blammenes do pranks and the farce that is. .. But why more was not quite crafty ( AMA so wants to play ...) ώστε να είναι σε ετοιμότητα και να απέφευγε να του πιάσει το πόδι η πόρτα…Μια χαρούλα τον κανόνισε ο οδηγός….και για όσους δεν ξέρουν..οι πόρτες των λεωφορείων έχουν τουλάχιστον 15 εκατοστά με λάστιχο απόσταση για να μην τραυματίζουν ακριβώς τους επιβάτες σε περίπτωση που κλειστεί πόδι ή χέρι κατα λάθος….

  2. Derbisis says:

    Maggas was the chauffeur and chazopoyli the kid.

    • Giorgos says:

      mallon anideos o odigos k me provlimata siberiforas.

    • Christos says:

      Go well eh dude? Skeftoy that this child could have been the gios Sou,How would you felt when you saw with one foot on the bus? Well e,We reached now. The chauffeur too malakas,cannot see and kleineis the door? I know that it was a hoax but usually such pranks have unfortunate developments!

      • Third_Eye ★ says:

        Ntaxei re man, just closed the door on blammeno for a few seconds. Its not xerizwse and the WIPO. No it epikrotw the entire phase

      • trapkoulas says:

        κ δυο σκαμπίλια ήθελε…

      • carlos says:

        If the driver's seat to Isoun ESY how will eniwthes; Will the gelages will tsantizosoyn with @ of Kathe kakomathimenoy;;;

    • carlos says:

      ETSI INE, the mangas legete mangas because Kani's own and am not ready for the consequences, αυτος ο μικρος τι μαγκιες να κανει στον οδηγο που καθε μερα βλεπει εκατονταδες σαν κι αυτον… ΤΩΡΑ Ο ΜΙΚΡΟΣ ΚΑΙ Η ΠΑΡΕΑ ΤΟΥ ΘΑ ΤΟ ΞΑΝΑΚΑΝΟΥΝ;;;