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Father sends his 'bully' son into the ring

A father was greatly angered, When he learned that his young son is involved in fights at school and makes bullying to his classmates. So we decided to give him a small lesson, reversing roles and putting him in the ring against a professional Boxer. How you feel when you are a victim; The teenager will accept some mighty blows to the head and will finish the race on the ground.

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  1. MessWithTheBest says:

    Το θεμα λιθηκε ρε μαγκες… Αμα το παιδι εμπλεκετε σε καβγαδες ολην την ωρα… Απλως το βαζεις σε ενα ρινγκ με ενα καλο kick-boxer να φαει μερικες καλες μαπες, to lose bowl STROKES kytarra, ουτ ως ωστε να μην μπορεσει ποτε να σκεφτει οτι αυτο που κανει στο σχολειο ειναι μαλακ1α και να το κανει σε ολη του την ζωη.Τοσο απλα ειναι τα πραγματα. Χαχα.Κριμα…

  2. Parris says:

    Προσωπικά θεωρώ ότι ο πατέρας μια χαρούλα έπραξε και πήγε τον πιτσιρίκο-ματράχαλο θα έλεγα γιό του να φάει μερικές ψιλές και αυτός από ξένους και όχι από τον ίδιο…είμαι κάθετα αντίθετος σε αυτούς που λένε ότι δεν θα πρέπει να πέφτει καμιά ψιλή που και που ειδικά όταν μιλάμε για τέτοια θέματα, βίας δηλαδή.Σιγά μην καταλάβει ο έφηβος (if not experienced a time) that he can eat them very badly, in fact, from someone who does not fill his eye..I will mention 2-3 videos that we have all seen here in the videoman where some drunk Russians etc eat dirty wood from short-skinned middle-aged former professional boxers. Maybe we should also stop the candy that everything is 100% the parents' fault. Από την ΙΔΙΑ οικογένεια το ένα παιδί αρχίζει τα ναρκωτικά και τα πουνίδια σε μικρότερα παιδάκια και το άλλο απασχολείται ας πούμε με τα μαθήματά του ή τον αθλητισμό γενικά…Πάντα θα υπάρχουν οι κανόνες και οι εξαιρέσεις.

    • non says:

      Did we read and no scientific book and not reproduce shit Kira Soula and Sun Panama from Lower Rachoula? Statistical correlation know what it means? The fact that a child succeeds and puts his life and his psychology in order does not negate the 100 others who, due to their abuse, do not succeed or have terrible problems to solve, in the same way that someone jumped from the third floor and did not suffer anything does not mean that if someone else jump and crippled the cause was any different from the fall. And the most important: the success of raising not judged by whether they read in school or if engaged in competitive sport. Mercy now the most spoiled and discarded stantarnts we have to judge children. Ένα παιδί που τα κάνει αυτά θα μπορούσε να είναι μια χαρά κακοποιημένο και καταπιεσμένο και δυστυχισμένο και ψυχολογικά ράκος με ένα που “παίρνει ναρκωτικά ή επιδίδεται σε μπούλινγκ”. No wonder you have such views with both superficial perception of the problem. An exceptional Site for you and other friends who are interested to become better parents.

  3. non says:

    to see how deep the rot in the world:the father, that in the greater degree is the one to blame for the turn he took his son (probably the hitting or humiliated or neglected) , synetisei go to the making of further bad blows and humiliation. The ATHLETES participating in this sick chastisement. Και τέλος ΑΥΤΟΙ που είδαν το βίντεο και έκαναν λάικ επειδή προφανώς τους άρεσε που ο bully πήρε ένα καλό μάθημα…

    • TTGE says:

      All plays crafty and clever until you find someone more crafty or smarter to give them a lesson, that's life, This gives experiences. At least this lesson for the kid became a controlled environment and not in no ALANA or ghetto would someone puts an iron and may see WITLOOF hitch. Let's see the world a little more bullets, swiftly all the perfect and sinless to lift the stone. You have to know how the world is not handsome and Ethics, ANGELICA molded, about-ship

      • non says:

        Indeed there are angelic wonderfully made. There are no wonderfully made. But the fact that it is such that he must do the worst? Το αντίθετο… Και υπάρχουν διάφοροι κακοποιημένοι στον κόσμο που αναπαράγουν τα μοτίβα ανατροφής τους στα δικά τους παιδιά. This does not mean you should not try to someone to put an end to this vicious circle renouncing the imposition of totalitarian power. “Ολοι το παιζουν μαγκες και εξυπνοι μεχρι να βρεθει καποιος πιο μαγκας ή εξυπνοτερος και να τους δωσει ενα μαθημα, that's life, ετσι αποκτουνται οι εμπειριες.” Ναι και μετά το “μάθημα” γίνονται ηθικοί φιλόσοφοι. Violence has no educational value and impact on psyche DESTRUCTIVE. We have the example of caregiver sets itself to abuse backdrop of the child and what you call a controlled environment? Then there are criminal elements that need punishment. There results the causes and conditions based. The problems arising from flimsy framework. Are the losers parents who prefer the path of punishment and enforcement in order to suppress an unacceptable behavior. And handle those who choose to corporal punishment. Και τα “άιντε” περιττεύουν

        • TTGE says:

          Εγω θα σου απαντησω απλα με το “ὃν οὐ τύπτει λόγος οὐδὲ ῥάβδος”, timeless and always updated, but also with a saying of Isocrates:“ΗΔημοκρατία μαςαυτοκαταστρέφεται,διότι κατεχράσθητο δικαίωματης ελευθερίαςκαι της ισότητας,διότι έμαθετους πολίτεςνα θεωρούν τηναυθάδεια ωςδικαίωμα, τηνπαρανομία ωςελευθερία, τηναναίδεια τουλόγου ωςισότητα καιτην αναρχία ωςευδαιμονία”.Απο θεωριες λοιπον εχουμε μπουχτισει, by wannabe revolutionaries suffocate, and the rest I write hear RINGS, Spend

          • non says:

            “ὃν οὐ τύπτει λόγος οὐδὲ ῥάβδος” δηλαδή “όποιον δεν τον αγγίζει ο λόγος , ούτε το ραβδί πρόκειται να τον αγγίξει”… δηλαδή ? Exactly what you wanted to say with this? He looked, neither timeless nor is wood topical. 2015 we have and it is slowly stop these pipes. We are in the Middle Ages. The physical punishment has a mountain negative consequences beyond ineffective is unethical and illicit (N.3500 / 06, Article 4). If the possibility of corporal punishment of a child you see the expression of a healthy upbringing then got a long way to go. It however, τόσο για σένα όσο κυρίως για τα άτομα στην ανατροφή των οποίων θα συμβάλλεις.Φιλικά

            • TTGE says:

              I would like to ask you, without means that the supported as a, so and so many generations grew up with the method of the bar where it was necessary, The consequences are tragic? In this way they could elicit the respect, even if you want to impose, But the result was that so teaches the consequence and punishment, thing that nowadays there is no. The much democracy and lack of respect to institutional pedagogy has brought about the destruction, if you are objective you will agree. Η ελλειψη παιδειας και κατ’ επεκταση της “τιμωρίας” σε οποιαδηποτε μορφη εχει φερει στο σημειο που ειμαστε τωρα και, and perhaps excessive protection and kanakema our children. Now the laws specified, has allowed me laugh, They find invalid when anything does not operate and others important dodging. Finally on the dictum cited (and sadly lacking some additional suggestions from copy paste) like to say that although there is no punitive value in thrashing, but can be useful when all other options have failed.

              • non says:

                Look to see, Being so much confusion and ignorance have so much that you have no contact with reality. Reproduce recklessly ONLY coarse prejudices. Natural and tragic consequences, but how did you expect them realize? Και μόνο που εκφράζεις αυτές τις απόψεις δείχνει ότι υπάρχει μεγάλο πρόβλημα.Ένα πράγμα θα σου πω μόνο (for the rest I will refer to links, and there are many things that must be read and which will help to slowly changing the distorted your perspective)That if you looked you could see in a restaurant a man beating his wife? Or a child gives a punch to the parent ? Or even worse in the elderly and helpless parent? So , go ride daughter or son the market at some point to turn and give two slaps in the face of the elderly parent? There would be unethical?…Είδες πόσο υποκριτικά σκέφτεσαι? And along with you much uncultivated society? And imagine that the violence against the child, η ανηθικότητα είναι ΑΚΟΜΑ ΜΕΓΑΛΥΤΕΡΗ από τα παραπάνω.ΤΑ ΠΑΙΔΙΑ ΔΕΝ ΤΑ ΑΓΓΊΖΟΥΜΕ ΠΟΤΕ.

              • TTGE says:

                I'm confused, uneducated, ανήθικος & δεν εχω καμια επαφη με την πραγματικότητα, THINK hypocritically, ενώ έχω & διαστρεβλωμένη οπτική? What do you think now! Εχεις πλακα ρε κατακαημενε αφου βγάζεις συμπεράσματα για κάποιον που δεν ξέρεις προσωπικα &κρατησε τις διαγνωσεις, the admonition, τα σεμιναρια επιμορφωσης & τους οικτιρμους για παρτη σου. Does your touching chord sir idealists of ass who speaks for the safety of the screen? Unless you got my childhood traumas dolly whenever FOLD

              • milon says:

                He does your oscillated any chord? To judge someone especially on such a vital issue as it does not need to know you personally, nor has experienced your experiences enough just to see the indicators are presented,BC. You do not need to know you personally to conclude that you have no idea when ball not know the Messiah and Ronald, These players act as the foretold knowledge indicators of a topic, And coordinate with the 2015 ,let the bullshit you hear in propotzidiko, 500 BC. στη Σπάρτη μπορει να οχι μονο να ηταν αποδεκτό αλλά και ”αναγκαίο” να λοβοτομεις τα παιδια δια μεσου του ξυλοδαρμου ετσι ωστε να μην φοβούνται τον θάνατο στη μαχη, But today it is very difficult these children not be HAPPY, but whether or not to function in healthy interpersonal relationships. One last endeavor to avoid the trap of black and white, To say somebody is not good to cripple your child in the wood does not mean DO spoiled beyond imagination, both are ABUSE , not of the same rank but both hurt the child , if you want to grow an ox , interference outset a calf and BAPA the ALL DAY , If you do not have the basic sense of responsibility so that might be interested to learn something above on the matter then surely you are not fit to become parents.

              • omg says:

                In propotzidiko pops and everyone like fart in discussions or fights and says the other balls of, just saying buddy…

              • milon says:

                What happened to YOU ​​and you rocked the chord?tpt has to say on the matter or throws balls like ANOTHER ?

              • omg says:

                not rocked my friend something patrons propotzidikou, το μονο που εχω να πω επι του θεματος ειναι πανε δες κανα τυχερο νουμερο στο κινο γιατι με τη μπαλιτσα την εχεις δει λιγο διαιτησια

              • milon says:

                Hahaha,poor fellow, if the regulars like me propotzidikon was the level of Greece it is now would be higher than that of Switzerland and Denmark .now as much reference YOU not to blame because it seems that you are uneducated in serious discussions and a general. and the mind is not accustomed to talking about something beyond the transcription in souperligk.alla wonder why such a SKALOMA by me agree with what we say? The `and thou like ANOTHER wood ate the kilo by your parents and not stayed the Cellular STROKE nor for example,logical thing to make you feel uncomfortable and amynoepitithese

              • omg says:

                Hey buddies Chatzatzari because such a fixture in an opinion that since that seems to characterize current counterattack? Could he be the mallet eaten YOU, and plays still grabs the lapels if such balls into the wells involved? Does the fact you are Kotoulas eh Tzanetakou and crafty thugs and keyboard? sheep, with sheep, beeee eh

              • milon says:

                Kickback ?haha,seriously?You felt my victim?sory eh pal ha not the intention,but Mrs. Council not wait to congratulate you when I cry with you I say that it is not good to ring .now children on the menu I can not understand how you eirthe,Are you perhaps touchy and forced to settle for characterization because it can manage your case in a serious discussion , I say now.

              • milon says:

                Complete dude,προφανως δε το χεις .αστο δε πειραζει.παρε τηλεφωνο κανα τσουκαλα κανα ραπτοπουλο να βγαλεις τα απωθημενα σου.Υ.Γ. again sory that made you feel victim

              • omg says:

                What victim eh Soldering, if all this makes you feel well and raises your confidence to be able to survive in your PIGADAKIA, Glad to help. I dedicate the following extremely:gol. Ante hello and that says Takis who reported, cucumber in HARIZO, not for your salad of course, chochocho…zaxarwnei-aggouri.jpg

              • MessWithTheBest says:

                sowing, ξες τι θα πει η λεξη “επιχειρημα”. Because of that I see you talking just for talking NONE ousiodes argument not quote, epitithese regretting your synomiliti as if the xes from yesterday. Nothing substantive to overcome in what you write has to say; Or only:” Αντε γεια που λεει κι ο Τακης που ανεφερες, cucumber in HARIZO, not for your salad of course, χοχοχο”“Μηπως στην πραγματικοτητα εισαι κοτουλα ρε Τζανετακο και μαγκας και τραμπουκος του πληκτρολογιου? sheep, with sheep, μπεεεε ρε”“το μονο που εχω να πω επι του θεματος ειναι πανε δες κανα τυχερο νουμερο στο κινο γιατι με τη μπαλιτσα την εχεις δει λιγο διαιτησια”Χωριατη του ελλαδισταν.Ελεγξε τα ορια σου.

              • omg says:

                Cotton with many years in backside first learn to write properly before you start preaching and the teacher play. Με δολοφονικά λάθη του τύπου “ουσιοδες”, “επιτιθεσε”, “συνομιλιτης”, “αντιπαρερχετε”, “λιθηκε”,”κυταρρα”, only seriously not going to hang out. Now for the rest misspellings Gashi, Once the space here only for discussion does not afford the bulk of, but allows the writes to each of the balls saw COMMENT (including myself) There is no reason to develop argument. There is neither part nor for recognition for rewarding view and philosophy of life. These are the wells in our pareoules, at work and in our circles or even forum that interests us. Furthermore not start conversation referring to the matter of how I grow my child, mono replied to milon escalated. Finally gerotsopane, you should know already, that the net of the viewing age as a means of building arguments deterrence reply from another user is completely funny and tragic, unless our trollareis.Gia finish, στα περι οριων eat beans MessWithTheBest and come to fart on my balls like the rest. Nooba e nooba

              • MessWithTheBest says:

                Haha, δεν χριαζετε να απαντησω καν.Προκειτε περι ανθρωπου που κρινει αρνητικα καποιον και προβενει σε χαρακτιρισμους εχοντας ως προφαση το επιπεδο ορθογραφιας του.Δευτερον παραδεχετε οτι δεν θα προβαλει κανενα επιχειρημα.Τριτον συμπερασματολογει με συγουρια οτι ειμαι γερος επειδη τον λεω “σπορο”, ενω το ειπα μεταφορικα.Καημενα ΑΜΕΑ παιδακια…Welcome to the internet.

              • omg says:

                Haha indeed, what to say and what to replies poor goatherd Yugoslavia, If you are trying a bit you can even convince. However, the pearls that come out with say it all, Until next Well in another thread, μεχρι τοτεκιτς κιτσ κιτσ, tsaprrrrrr

              • MessWithTheBest says:

                Χαχα.Ποσο χρονων εισαι?

              • non says:

                They are on the spoiled child, and much can be said on this. Κάποιες σκέψεις μόνο όμως… Για κάθε ένα “καλομαθημένο” παιδί υπάρχουν 10 που υφίστανται ταπεινώσεις , threats ,continuous unjustified refusals (ένα διαρκές “όχι”), unreasonable restrictions that do not meet their developmental age etc.. But beyond thus , το “καλομαθημένο” παιδί είναι παιδί που δεν ανατράφηκε σωστά όχι επειδή αγαπήθηκε παραπάνω απόσο έπρεπε. Love in any degree does not hurt. It is the lack of real love and interest and presence overlooking acquire real interpersonal relationship with other minor substituents such stuffs materials (clothes , mobile games) etc. Τοο much από αυτά που θέλουν δηλαδή και ελάχιστα από αυτά που έχουν ανάγκη.Υπάρχει επίσης το πολύ συχνό φαινόμενο όπου κάποιος γονέας από φόβο μην γίνει το παιδί του κακομαθημένο το κρατά σε κάποια απόσταση ή περιορίζει την σωματική ή άλλη έκφραση της αγάπης του με αποτέλεσμα να γίνεται το παιδί needy και κακομαθημένο εξαιτίας ακριβώς αυτού. And oh what irony , the uneducated parent concludes that still needed more intransigent attitude. The child needs the security of the nest in the certainty of which begins to take risks and explore the world with confidence. Children who give up on trolleys , that make sleep training , που τα συντρίβουν με ψυχρά εξουσιαστικά μοντέλα και προγράμματα και εντολές και κανόνες και απαιτήσεις που προορίζονται για ενήλικες… όλα αυτά υποσκάπτουν την υγιή τους ανάπτυξη. Οπότε το “καλομάθεμα”, although it is much more rare dec hostile to society assumes children, and this is a case of bad parenting parenting. And here one parent showed the necessary interest and instead chose an easy solution. But for god, beating is the worst form of education and disastrous consequences, and anyone who thinks differently is urgent to examine the findings of modern science of pedagogy and psychology, not to reproduce the spearhead of the inhuman practices of the past.

              • non says:

                “Η Δημοκρατία μαςαυτοκαταστρέφεται…”A , and not reproduce that spoofed nationalist claptrap read. There Isocrates said something ,Not of course that the said ANCIENT ONE 2400 years ago have any significance in itself, αλλά λέμε….

              • non says:

                Sorry for my style TTGE, I could express my thoughts without having to make such characterizations. It was not untrue, and this is important to you, regardless of how someone featured on Internet: πως θα ξεκολλήσεις από την άρνηση του του εγωισμού που λέει “ποιος είσαι εσύ που θα μου πεις ότι έχω άγνοια” και να κατανοήσεις ότι το πραγματικό συμφέρον σου είναι προς την κατεύθυνση της αλλαγής και της εκμάθησης. PS. I am a man