The word hostess does not have male or female gender. It's fine to say 'the flight attendant' (air + the attendant). 'Carer' is simply used because 'stewardess' usually refers to a woman. ;)
How to use a Word is judged by the site that uses. Presumably 'stewardess' once meant a male caretaker (as 'hen' once meant fowl in general), αλλά αν είχες εργαστεί ποτέ σε Ελληνική αεροπορική εταιρία τα τελευταία 30-40 χρόνια θα ήξερες ότι τους άντρες δεν τους αποκαλλούν ποτέ ‘αεροσυνοδούς’.Και για να σου δώσω ένα ακόμα παράδειγμα πώς εξαρτάται από το χώρο, rather than lexikografo, metalheads don't say 'metal' when referring to metal music, but ' metal ', Although various unrelated fyladia say ' metal '. This has nothing to do with logic or grammar, But how was established through the years.
This way of presentation, draws attention without being bored none.
The flight attendant is female. The men tell their caregivers or flying caregivers.
The word hostess does not have male or female gender. It's fine to say 'the flight attendant' (air + the attendant). 'Carer' is simply used because 'stewardess' usually refers to a woman. ;)
How to use a Word is judged by the site that uses. Presumably 'stewardess' once meant a male caretaker (as 'hen' once meant fowl in general), αλλά αν είχες εργαστεί ποτέ σε Ελληνική αεροπορική εταιρία τα τελευταία 30-40 χρόνια θα ήξερες ότι τους άντρες δεν τους αποκαλλούν ποτέ ‘αεροσυνοδούς’.Και για να σου δώσω ένα ακόμα παράδειγμα πώς εξαρτάται από το χώρο, rather than lexikografo, metalheads don't say 'metal' when referring to metal music, but ' metal ', Although various unrelated fyladia say ' metal '. This has nothing to do with logic or grammar, But how was established through the years.