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Dismaland: The most depressing Funfair

The British artist Banksy has opened a bizarre theme park in the United Kingdom, in the small coastal town of Somerset. Ονομάζεται “Dismaland”, and inside everything is designed with nasty images and scenes of reality, combined with a dose of black, dark humor. Οι επισκέπτες μπορούν να περιηγηθούν σε μια ρέπλικα του… απανθρακωμένου κάστρου της Disneyland, or even to see the tragic traffic accident of Cinderella.

The Banksy, He wants this subversive way to show the harsh reality of today's world in his works. The purpose of the Park is mainly to raise awareness among visitors to the current problems of our society, as the refugee crisis and environmental pollution. The park will be open from August 22 to September 27.

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