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Irish tourist against Turkish shopkeepers

A few days ago in the Aksaray district of Istanbul, an Irish tourist visited a booth and opened the door of the refrigerator to get a bottle of water. But he opened the fridge a bit abruptly, and dozens of bottles fell on the ground. Angry, the Turkish owner of the tourist attacked and hit him with a stick, while then passers-by and other traders joined the 'battle'. A large fight broke out in the Street between the Irish and the Turks, they didn't know that their opponent proponoytan in boxing in his spare time.

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  1. Thanos says:

    Θρασυδειλοι κωλότουρκοι αγέλη απο ύαινες είναι ..και παρόλα αυτα τρώνε και ξύλο απο πάνω…

  2. F. says:

    Σκατένια φάρα…ζώα! Μια ζημιά έκανε ο άνθρωπος και αμέσως οι απολίτιστοι να τον κάνουν μαύρο…πάλι καλά που ήξερε να προστατευθεί.

  3. Parris says:

    E let's not set no tourist in Turkey!!! don't spoil it at all!!

  4. Underarm says:

    The skatotourkoi 10-10 go to Wretch with lostaria and chairs, a life like the hyenas in droves, the same did in Cyprus Tassos Isaac.