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Irritation at the stadium

On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 during the semi-final in women futsal soccer in Brazil, a player will come out except self. The match was between teams Veneza and Montenegro. The player with 10 of Montenegro will receive a push from the player with 11 Veneza and wins a free-kick. But this is not like in the player who already has Veneza annoyed with your dribbling of the opponent during the race. So I will take revenge with a brutal kick to the head while lying on the ground.

This incomprehensible move then led to a brawl between the two teams. The player who conceded the kick was rushed to hospital for x-rays, While Leandra Freire, the player who gave the kick danger of miscarriage of one year from the sport and a fine of about 24.000 Euro. The final score of the match: Montenegro 8 Venice 1. The Freire Leandra apologized publicly, saying that he acted in a moment of sheer frustration.

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  1. Underarm says:

    This was attempted murder, the little girl must go to her house rather than permanently for a year.

    • dimitris81gr says:

      After publicly apologizing already... Exaggeration 1 year. A red was enough.

      • Paris says:

        Dude dimitris81gr! Such a kick out of toned athlete foot comfortable doing squat 150 pounds for the acceleration of the foot pressure certainly brought more than 200 pounds on his head- neck of the player's field, which was on the ground, which is more than enough to shatter vertebrae and cripple her for life….. Therefore after this information and with very simple math that explain your data obviously did not know, it would be interesting to hear your opinion now! if your opinion is still the same, It would be interesting to hear your mood to experiment with a footballer I know kicking your head, about the possible consequences of a kick to the head….