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April 18, 2015: The shocking incident of Santa beating a baby by a nurse, was recorded by a security camera lens in clinical Pediatrics in Sofia, Bulgaria. According to the private, the old Emilia Kovaceva hit Savage a baby, He was born just a few days ago. Originally the hits with her hands, then it seems to click with a bottle, While at one point even tried to strangle. Fortunately, failed.
Little Nicole miraculously survived and has escaped the danger. He was in serious condition after the incident and doctors struggled to keep afloat. The nurse was accused of attempted murder and will face 15-20 years in prison. The baby's parents are determined to move in court and against the Administration in specific clinical.
Mercy! How there are people who can harm a baby?☹️
Such a helpless human being! More is done, here you pay. And she will have justice😠
Can he cried all the time and this hurt. It's not possible to leave the shift with a cry all the time in your ears... I get it..... and I in the hospital sometimes to the limit I am with klapsiarika.
EH SI dude are you kidding;;; I.e. with the wood stops crying a child;;on the contrary that this is when he cries even more!!!! Moreover, you may put otoaspides or mpampakakia in the ears!!! i.e. those that meaning Jackhammer should kill anyone who see before them from the nerves;; Άλλαξε δουλειά άμα δεν την παλέυεις…και μην ακούσω δεν είναι εύκολο να βρείς δουλειά και έτσι…γιατί όλες μα όλες οι δουλειές έχουν τα σημεία που σου σπάνε τα νεύρα..αλλά άμα έχεις απέναντί σου έναν π.χ.Νταλικιέρη 100 κιλά θα είσαι παναγίτσα ακπόμη και άμα σου λέει βλακείες..ενώ το αδύναμο μωράκι είναι εύκολο να το βαράς…Τσαμπουκά με ίσους όχι με ανυπεράσπιστα μωράκια….
Klapsaria was your momma subhuman not pitched in
sapia poutana!!!viasmos apo 10 maurous kai atelioto xulo sou axizi!!
I will pamper accordingly in jail, οκ…Αλλά αυτό το βίντεο το παίρνεις, you show it to a priest (any religion, not to be misunderstood) and ask: 'Where's your merciful God? ?????”, in order not to use more 'heavy' adjectives and cut the comment...
God baby packs;;;where is your mind reeeeeeeeee ??????
It is not difficult to understand that George means the following: God sees this (as omnipresent), Why not intervene (as Almighty)?PS. simply facilitate discussion, I take no position >:-)
Thanks Slayer but does not think he understood !!!
You probably didn't understand what I mean or pretend you don't understand...
Awkward adolescence. …
You have shut down your answers or stupidity has another level ???
kremasma thelei