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The field of genetics tells us that only DNA transferred our descendants. But how can we explain this experiment that changed the genetic makeup of rats through fear;
Rats introduced to smelling substance aketofainonis, were simultaneously an electrocuting them finally created a healthy fear for that particular smell. But here is the shocking point of the experiment. The original rat pups, When you first smell acetophenone had exactly the same fear with their parents, Although he never met with them.
οκ ενδιαφερον αλλα φτανει πια με αυτα τα πειραματα εις βαρων των ζωων λες και ειναι ιδιοκτησια μας η δεν εχουν δικαιωματα..δεν γνωριζω επιστημη το επαγγελμα μου αντιθετα ανηκει στην τεχνη αλλα νομιζω αυτα τα ”πειραματα” για δικη μας γνωση ειναι περιττα..
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