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The controversial farce with the bomb

A farce that shows a man dressed like an Arab to casts a suspicious backpack (that supposedly contains a bomb) close to several people in the street, has divided social media as some people consider it hilarious, but others believe it perpetuates bad stereotypes about Muslims and people of Arab origin.

The series of videos published by Australian wag Jalal Bros, indicates that particular farce take place in various locations such as a restaurant, a highway, in a mall, etc.

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  1. vas180 says:

    Fake 100%

  2. Kostas k. says:

    ΤελειοΟτι πρέπει για τους ισλαμοφοβικούς.Τρόμος ρε μούτρα και μνημόνια μέχρι να σβήσει ο ήλιος.και μην ξεχνάτε τον μάγκα στον από κάτω

    • dimitris81gr says:

      Indeed successful prank. However, if I was in the pizzeria, the feet will reach back from the running was very convincing there.

      • vas180 says:

        Ειδικά στην πιτσαρία που περιμένουν να βγουν από την πόρτα για να πετάξουν ότι κρατάνε στα χέρια τους…; It is where you realize it's fake. They are all erected go well on camera. And wear their best hats everyone with new clothes as DAPites. Not so everyday people, its funny. Namely for pizzeria, another comment: He who runs away first with a quick motion chair before run to avoid falling over the. That really scared passes through the chair, break legs in 5 points, the chair in 1000 pieces and keeps running. We have seen many movies and videos. The worst are the ones that are made to go viral.