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E not to dismissed civil servants who got zero on evaluations!

Incredible things in the House! MP Potamiou Jason Fotilas asked the minister to Chr.Vernardaki redundant civil servants who get 0 (ZERO) two successive evaluations.
Ο κύριος αυτός νομίζει μάλλον ότι ζει σε κανονική χώρα κι όχι στην “Κολομβία των Βαλκανίων”
Fortunately the Syrizaios Minister stood rock and rejected the request by Mr Fotilas ,asserting that as useless, clueless and drone to be a civil servant is not going to be sacked but will support with training , psychologists and anything else you need.
Mr. Vernardakis (the Minister who made kwlotoympa after the cameras recorded him to denounce the Marinakis) Once again honored the clientele of.

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1 Comment

  1. Vassilis Larisis says:

    What does 0 mean when we measure a person's contribution to their work?; Productivity only; Σίγουρα δε σημαίνει τίποτας”. OK, non competitive, means the last or of the last of a set being compared. But the person does not disappear, it doesn't make him useless. (It counts somewhere, he may not produce himself but make others productive) What someone who scores 0 on social or work criteria needs is, (if he wants to remain in the same position he was given) to be educated, to become more competitive and increase his contribution to society and his work (to send another to 0). And finally those with 0 should change position where they will be more useful.