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Levitate a Magnet with Bismuth Crystals – No Energy Cost, Indefinite Levitation

How to levitate a magnet with no batteries, external power, or trickery. It floats on pure SCIENCE!

Below are some links you can use to purchase bismuth and the magnets seen in this video, but first a word of warning: Strong magnets can be really dangerous, especially if you have more than one. The 1″ cylinder magnet that I use for this project could break bones if you let your hand get between it and another large magnet as they snap together. Smaller magnets that are pulled against a larger one might shatter on impact and fire out sharp chips. I recommend eye protection while working with them. Lastly, don’t purchase strong magnets if you live around anyone with a pacemaker. Pacemakers are adjusted magnetically and could malfunction if exposed to strong magnetic fields.

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