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One man made a strange discovery by placing side by side two wooden slats from a game his son. I had someone the impression that a stick is bigger than the other. This is actually an optical illusion called Jastrow, and was discovered by the American psychologist Joseph Jastrow.
The two rails are the same size, but when placed one above the other, the bottom rail seem bigger. The explanation is simple: the left bottom side of one rail is aligned with the upper left edge of another. So the bottom object is essentially shifted to the right and gives the impression of being and older.
Lie is the video, I had seen that explained.
Nice argument psile. Δηλαδή επιλέγεις μια άλλη εξήγηςη απο την επιστημονική… Με έπεισες, fuck the scientists!
I can't put videos, but it takes a scientist to explain; You yourself you cannot think;
Sorry for the ironic fella, just wanted to alter but not to be prosblitikos. My opinion is that there is no magic fainomenokai nor I think is fake video. Ίσως λίγο πειραγμένο για να φαίνεται πιο έντονα αλλα αν ψαξεις για “3d drawing”σε site με videos θα βρεις πολλά που χρησιμοποιούν αυτή την οφθαλμαπάτη. And this I think is, a mirage that uses the prospect without background and without the horizon
What I meant by what I wrote! Lie, Mirage! Wrong expression! I don't read and the words beneath the video, After the saw. NASE well