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French protesters shout Greek motto to police officers

French protesters campaigning against new labour reform shout out from under occupation Theatre l'Odeon in Paris. The young people seem to have enriched their repertoire of slogans with a well-known Greek...

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  1. asto kalitera says:

    The French don't antegrapsan Tipota. As we katalabate Tosa aristeropoyla (= Ekina is for all Herts) that we make and exports.

    • Tasos says:

      You're wrong. It sounds clearly from the pronunciation that they are not Greeks who shout the beloved and realistic 'cops of pigs' murderers '. But for the right you don't say something ... They probably just 'import' baby baby ....

    • 1lias3 says:

      the eides videos? the profora is not Greek

    • giannis says:


    • Vassilis Larisis says:

      You know that xekinises the most m @ KIA syzitisi without end; You're first responsible to cum. Btw PES and others to stop eaten like our grandparents. We have a national crisis, for mentally as well. The opadilikia in politics is the same silly with the opadilikia in sports and demonstrated each believer: If we speak about his group will speak for his party. If Pali does not speak nor his party will speak for something else which feels that he belongs and makes him stand out from the other team and not individual = Need to overcome personal anasfaleies and phobias. We have had enough of listening to the same audio cassette

      • Vassilis Larisis says:

        … The same cassettes of different little kids

        • asto kalitera says:

          Ego den xekinisa Tipota. I did a training declaration for those who can understand it. It is not right to stop at the time that there are obviously so many who need spiritual development and brain evolving it makes sense to say anything to others in the only technician of the ray..