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A bear amused in the water after years of living in a cage

After his release from a cage where he was locked up for several years, the Tuffy seems to enjoy life again making dives into a pond of shelter Animals in Asia Viet Nam.

In September 2015, Tuffy and six others were rescued by a bile duct, a place where bears are kept locked for their bile, a useful ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine. After years of pain, Tuffy's gall bladder had to be removed. Extra, the animal lost three teeth and feet suffered from dehydration.

The Tuffy was so glad I was there, that night did not return to his lodging, preferring to sleep under the stars. Animals Asia has already rescued about 600 bears and continues to care for another 400. It is estimated that about 1,200 bears are still being held in Vietnam for bile extraction., and over 10.000 in China.

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