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A victim of police brutality

A demonstrator in France harasses a policeman with a balloon and he drives away the balloon out of the hands of. The reaction is a bit excessive.

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  1. Slayer says:

    gkoychoy gkoychoy.. echmmm, ο ήχος είναι ψεύτικος παιδιά…

  2. neo says:

    The girl can really have some problem which is obviously not possible to know from a fragmentary videos, the demonstrations are open and anyone involved. This of course is something that from the stadium-orks this page- They rushed to cover all their imagination to imaginative reviews (only there can)- nor that went through the mind.

    • Vags says:

      μια απλη ερωτηση με ξεκαθαρα καλη προθεση…Δλδ αμα καποιος σου κανει ετσι με ενα μπαλονι και εχεις παιξει καμποσο ξυλο πριν (Kaka lies ISE man with some a psychology) is possible to avoid the challenging thewriseis-ypotimitiko and apomakryneis; Of course not what your liability you have not and what problems koybalaei everyone but if valid from a side effect and by other ETSI; Not be here dikaiologisw none prospatho but someone thinks it is OK this response (in this phase and with this statement) and classifying Stadium-orks and some ypotima that neither keinos xeri, ε οκ δεν ειναι και τοσο οκ…

      • neo says:

        1st, No I commented if I had not to react so the policeman, 2nd he mattered in my response or the dozens of other pitch-following moron talking about Phut.. for sterilisation etc 3rd sound, as wrote above friend, It may be delusive. 4th. Not everyone's CV here, judged those who writes, If these are sick ,and it is a lot, τότε καλό θα είναι να αναρωτιέται για την ποιότητα της χώρας του και όχι για το αν είναι η δεν είναι ‘οκ’ να κατακρίνεις τη αρρώστια και τη βλακεία.

    • Konstantinos Theodoridis says:

      ρε neo στον μπ…μας αν έχει πρόβλημα…αν είχε τότε τι κατέβηκε μπροστά μπροστά κιόλας…πας καλά; We have reduced to having to make fantasy scenarios to justify everything anymore.. αν είναι αληθινός ο ήχος..η τύπισσα είναι ζώο…απλά και ωραία.

      • neo says:

        Press the trigger fella

        • Konstantinos Theodoridis says:

          βάλε την κάνη στο στόμα σου και ευχαρίστως χαχαχα…επιπεδο ορκ -1000000.. beyond the plate, Obviously you understand that we cannot be the first row in front of MATT and if you get the balloon! to do as in machairwsane. I'm not with MATT, also apparently, αλλά μην τα γελοιοποιούμε και δικαιολογούμε όλα…ακόμα και στο ποδόσφαιρο θα έπαιρνε κίτρινη κάρτα για θέατρο…

  3. nikos Mourouzidis says:

    Πάτα μια μήνυση στο πουτ……..κι να δούμε θα αρχίσει να τσιρίζει πραγματικά μετά.Αυτή η χαζομάρα μπορεί ξαφνικά να προκαλέσει εκτεταμένα επεισόδια έτσι απλά για μια ηλίθια

  4. STIBEN says:

    This policeman with mustache is Obelix children, must hurt a lot.

  5. Konstantinos Kostelos says:

    Like a siren did. For anti-theft does however.

  6. nikos Pavlidis says:

    karagkioza the skotwste

  7. Giannhs Dhmopoulos says:


    • Underarm says:

      ande d, the dullness.

    • Larissa Bsilis says:

      Koytamares. You have find chick in course, or you go the Sakha, the headscarves and rather formfitting trousers. In what world we live, (e); Has cops with no education but that doesn't go with the occupation but with humans. I, however, people who have the ability to write so suggestions are without, absolutely, no sense, I fear them more than policemen because they display their selection using audacity not ripen and blaming everything else for the plight of their lives. And without doing something to change the vicious circle continues. No, to inflict terror on people who reconcile and try to live the rest of their own unique life as they may make the fighter, to do tedious and weight. It is not right to constantly push others to not piesteis you. We wore helmets and trust me, There is a much better life after some years of absence from the site and when you start to see as past. Non-compromise, but accept change in you. Sorry if I bore those who consider them self explanatory but you are not alone in the world and the Internet does not belong to anyone.

  8. Elias Michales says:

    Μετά φταίνε που αρχίζουν και σπάνε στο ξύλο όποιον πετύχουν…Άμα ο κάθε ένας βρίζει μάνες, family, θρησκεία κλπ κλπ… και είσαι και τόσες ώρες όρθιος χωρίς φαγητό, water, toilet, want to tell you come our found ;We are trained commandos ;…Για να μην παρεξηγηθώ, αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι έχουν το δικαίωμα να κάνουν ότι θέλουν.Καλώς ή κακώς όμως, someone and somewhat, You must put in a row something such ladies, η κάτι τύπους που πετάνε διάφορα..Και όποιος δε θέλει αδέσποτες, don't go into organized, of the parties their minions ( trade unionists ), marches, that smell of gunpowder.

  9. Dimitrios Aspetos says:

    Andreas, Franko, Kostas :D