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At a restaurant, a girl trying to pull a photo from the dish to publish on Instagram. While she is looking for some time to find the perfect angle for photography, her boyfriend irritated and ends the annoying process.
Smartphones, foolish people
Good, αλλά σιγά τα έξυπνα… Multi-media συσκευές με λειτουργία τηλεφώνου. They changed my life and. They emptied the pocket, the good and the bad sense. Draw.
I IT degree, extra seminars that I have attended and qualifications I have gained, from various IT companies and work as a professional for 15 years. Most problems I face are from users. Persons unable to use even the most simple applications and perform the most simple processes. Therefore when I say smart phones, foolish people, I know what I am saying.
I am with you. We disagree, απλά παίρνω πάσα και λέω… Ας μην κοροιδευόμαστε. devices are. Closer to the toaster rather than the human brain. Your workspace certainly makes you see things through another prism. Last has begun, at last, and appears more clearly limit the possibilities of a mobile device and now I can say with confidence (regardless of people) “σιγά την πανέξυπνη συσκευή”. This is in an effort to record riposte to slogans of ads that have become part of our lives, in our everyday conversations and in our consumer, vanity dreams. Let's find another name. Βαρεθήκαμε τη μεταμόρφωση όλων των συσκευών σε “έξυπνες” επειδή έχουν έναν προγραμματιζόμενο αυτοματισμό παραπάνω.
You and you of It crowd? hehe