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Saastumista muovista

Moderni elämä olisi mahdotonta ilman muovia, mutta menetimme aikaa tarkkailun. Koska muovi on tullut merkittävä saasteongelma ja mitä tiedämme vaaroista; Opetusvideo Kurzgesagt.

Jätä vastaus

Sähköpostiosoitettasi ei julkaista.

1 kommentti

  1. Potris sanoo:

    The only possibility to have a result to your VERY GOOD effort , is to persuade Coca & Pepsi Cola to give back a small reward to anybody who returns their used plastics or cans . Otherwise you waste your time . I’ve repeatedly sent mails to Coca Cola , but there is no reaction , Ei todellakaan . I suppose , ja , maybe you know the sources how to find and to prove “for how much of the total pollution , those 2 giants are responsible ” . I estimate that is more than 25% . Do not expect actions and reactions from governments , there is nothing to earn , so there is no interest . Do not expect actions and reactions from individuals , who already do it . They’ll continue to protect environment . Fuck the rest , they are idiot animals .