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जादू की इस नई विंडस्क्रीन वाइपर व्यवस्था दृष्टि नियंत्रण मर्सिडीज कहा जाता, यह बाहर के तापमान के अनुसार काम करता है और स्वचालित रूप से समायोजित करता है धोने तरल मात्रा के साथ आसपास के हालात. कंपनी नई प्रणाली लागू करने के लिए इस वीडियो जारी किया है. यह भी हमारे स्पेयर पार्ट्स की कीमतों पर कुछ जानकारी देने के लिए उपयोगी हो जाएगा.
How screwed in the head would you have to be to not know when the top is down even for a Mercedes driver? This washer system seems befitting the screwed in the head Mercedes driver. Half a century ago a car had a manual washer pump you pushed gently to get a little in the middle of the line of sight or a firm push to spray more of the windshield. You could wait until the dirt was soaked of a few seconds before you turned on the wipers. The wipers only went back and forth till you turned them off, usually once was all that was required. Intelligent. Now some brain child has come up with a propriety expensive system to smear bird shit over your windshield and people think it is wonderful.
हाँ, क्योंकि हम मर्सिडीज है और हमें शेष भागों पता खराब.