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Pada tahun 1976, tim penjelajah Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux pertama kali melakukan kontak dengan suku primitif Toulambis (Papua, Papua Nugini), yang anggotanya belum pernah melakukan kontak dengan dunia luar dan belum pernah melihat orang berkulit putih sebelumnya. Kamera menangkap reaksi ketakutan dan rasa ingin tahu mereka.
I strongly believe this is a fake footage. The movements of the natives look too elavorated. They keep watching the cameras to make sure the viewers are watching them.IT’S A FAKE TO ME!!!!
You are very sceptical, almost as a politician. Our world is sceptical. Sometimes I have ideas that all this was created by simple people who were not really intelligent but wanted to own everything. They created left theories, gave the poor nothing but use them for their own enrichment [Stalin, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Brusels EU]
Me parece que es montaje. Los movimientos de los “nativos” no son normales. Se pasan viendo las cámaras como para que sepamos que están ahí. El contacto con el “hombre blanco” parece sacado de la película “los dioses están locos”. PARA MI ES UN MONTAJE. UNA FARSA!!!!
Realmente fiquei muito emocionada… este pesquisador tem um coração de ouro. conseguiu transmitis somente com gestos, toda sua afetividade e provar sua coragem e sensibilidade.. e que povo lindo. que recebam muitas bençoes do criador… amei.. o video… lindo, interessante, prova que os homens de bem podem estreitar boas relaçoes… muito obrigada
É fantástico saber que ainda há nesse mundo pessoas que vivem felizes com sua forma de ser… são os verdadeiros cuidadores da natureza… retiram dela (da natureza) apenas o necessário para sua sobrevivência… porém, o branco ainda não se deu conta de que esse contato com esses povos pode trazer-lhes situações indesejadas, como por exemplo, doenças do nosso mundo capitalista… deixem-os viver em paz e felizes… devemos respeitá-los em sua forma de vida… é o que penso. (Janda Penha – jandapenha@brturbo.com.br) Sou brasileira, um país descoberto a mais de 500 anos e que seus primeiros moradores eram TODOS índios… com a colonização, a comunidade indígena foi brutalmente desrespeitada, assim como é até os dias atuais… é uma vergonha a maneira com a qual os governantes brasileiros tratam os povos e as questões indígenas no Brasil… e viva a diversidade!
Moi, je trouve ça très émouvant cette rencontre de la différence et son acceptation, tout en se sentant pareils, des êtres humains.
merci beaucoup…comme nos frères et nos soeurs de Toulambis sont accueillants et bons de nous accepter avec nos choses… Comme la place de l’Enfant est belle et enseignante pour nous.
keşgə heç vaxt tapılmırdılar!
This video brought me to tears. That such wonder and innocence could have still existed even 36 years ago!Your comments have completely missed the point of this wondrous exchange. Whether you are religious, atheist or agnostic, we are all connected to one another. Each of us is will travel the road of life in the way that we feel is right and who knows what we will learn along the way. The point is to be open in heart as well as mind. We all have so much to learn from one another.
et maintenant que font le hommes,ils s’entretuent !!
Krásný film a nádherné reakce lidí. Tohle vše je minulost a tu nelze již změnit. Touha po poznávání a hledání je stará jako lidstvo samo. Málo který objevitel si dokázal uvědomit co způsobí jeho nález, ale v žádném případě nechtěl nikomu ublížit.
all they need now is for someone like George Bush and his gang to go there and install “democracy” to save them from themselves!
This really is a priceless film. It felt like I was right there, living the events with them.Thanks, to friend Eli!!!!
Hopefully these “white” people will show more humility and understand that white man has much to relearn from the charming earth-bonded ones.
I feel very touched by this recorded occurrence and much respect for our planetary heritage which allowed so many diverse groups to live and develop for untold generations. The world is too small not to have these meetings of cultures be inevitable. I am supposing this contact was in the hands of an amateur explorer or photo journalist. I hope that he did good, in not upsetting the social structure too much, at least by giving the knife to the chief, and not to just the most curious.True concern for those people would research what has happened to them today? Post an update link here in these comments.My greatest insight are these 408 comments. Our “tribe” will use any occasion (holy or profane) to launch into religious squabbles, fanatic politics and blatant self righteousness. So many of us are just looking for someone to fight with, or to spew verbal abuse at.In that sense we would never survive as that tribe has gone on for centuries. Would we find a better place in a pack of mongrel wolves or feral dogs?
tres jolie documentaire
agreed with fabiolla cruz . wild fire does not know the history well enough macrosaraf@yahoo.come
Ils sont heureux car ils sont loin de ce monde civilisé où les conditionnements sociaux et les dictats ont éloigné l’homme de sa nature véritable…notre essence d’être joyeux, curieux et débrouillard.
D’aprés des rumeurs emanant de cette tribu, qui a son compte facebook, leur chef serait en negociation avec coca cola mac do et une grande surface francaise ,carefour pour ne pas la citer dans le but de finir de leur pourrir la vie en les contaminant avec notre putain de société de consomation.J’espere que se ne sont que des rumeurs.
Superbe, émouvant et tellement naturel!
I agree with you all …next steps alcool,disease and …civilisation !! what a shame those simple people have been discovered ..
unblievable mivie……oh ………;
!!!ME PARECE ME MAL HECHO!!!!Debieron haberlos dejado en su inocencia, sin ciencia ni tegnologia, han atrofiado el sistema de vida pacifico, y dentro de esa tegnologia que dentra tambien vendra el ODIO y la ENVIDIA han destruido una tribu. !!! QUE LASTIMA!!! DIOS LES PERDONE
cette vidéo est magnifique
Probably the most incredible day in the lives of those creatures. And of the white men too! Unique experience! Very very nice… But as one person before me said: let’s hope diseases and “civilization” will not harm them.
extraordinaire….très émouvant. Ils sont peut être pollués, maintenant.
the presents of the man : fire and knife !!! what present guy !!! for pacific people
Next step, weapons and white men diseases !