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Suku Toulambis pertama kali bersentuhan dengan orang kulit putih

Pada tahun 1976, tim penjelajah Jean-Pierre Dutilleaux pertama kali melakukan kontak dengan suku primitif Toulambis (Papua, Papua Nugini), yang anggotanya belum pernah melakukan kontak dengan dunia luar dan belum pernah melihat orang berkulit putih sebelumnya. Kamera menangkap reaksi ketakutan dan rasa ingin tahu mereka.

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  1. Encarna mengatakan:

    y despues, que hizo el hombre blanco por ellos ?

  2. José A Herrero mengatakan:

    Indignante! Reporteros: de qué! ¿Cómo os atrevéis?

  3. Messina Yoland mengatakan:

    Rencontre et découverte de deux civilisations.Magnifique Ils découvrent avec étonnement et crainte notre monde moderne.Mais ils ne sont pas agressifs.Toyo……….

  4. Elsa Mieiro mengatakan:

    Amo estas pessoas, estas reportagens, estes documentários e tenho o maior respeito por estes e outros povos que vivem longe da podridão e de um mundo em decadência, porque os Homens- civilizados?!!- perderam toda a dignidade, toda a decência…tanta coisa linda, digna de ser vista, divulgada e sentida e, todos os dias somos , bombardeados, obrigados a ouvir, a digerir a leviandade, o oportunismo, a incompetência, a corrupção daqueles que se apresentam como se fossem os donos da razão e da verdade. Que desgosto que eu tenho de pertencer a esse grupo de… nem sei bem o que lhes chamar! Vamos denunciar só assim os podemos travar. Programas destes sim, muitos, muitos …talvez alguém aprenda algo com estas civilizações.

  5. vahid mengatakan:

    Thats amazing. it reminded me the “Apokalipto”…

  6. SOHRAB_smch mengatakan:


  7. Beauty_m33 mengatakan:

    wow that was awesome … i loved it … but i wish we could watch the whole movie with original sound …. that was great….

  8. Velomartinez mengatakan:

    Impresionante documento de relación y primer contacto entre dos culturas que se desconocen. ¡Felicidades a los realizadores de la grabación!

  9. Claudesenez mengatakan:

    luar biasa !! comment peut on être raciste ?? après avoir vu ce genre de document!! c’est beau !merci à ceux qui ont voulu les approcher,les connaître mieux !! les “apprivoiser” un peutout en les respectant!!

  10. Cook mengatakan:

    As a secular humanist I can only agree that more people have been murdered in the name of one religion or another than for any other reason. They all have you by the throat (what and when you can eat) or by the genitals (how or when you have sex).

    • Phnx mengatakan:

      You couldn’t be further from the truth. Ya, over the centuries millions have died due to misguided religious fanatics. Namun, you fail to consider the tens of millions who died under Hitler’s National Socialism or tens of millions who have died under communism in the USSR or the tens of millions who have died under communism in Red China, or North Korea, all within the last century. Selain itu, here in the US over 40 million babies have been aborted due to secular humanists such as yourself. So we can conclude, that more have died under the misguided rule of self righteous secular humanists, such as yourself, than for any other reason.

  11. Zsheffd mengatakan:

    I thought it was great with the one exception of the music. As nice as the music is it was an unfortunate distraction. I would have been more intrigued by whatever conversation there was no matter how minimal since this was first contact for this tribe. Hmmm perhaps the decision to insert music was for the benefit of the viewers. What, to hold their attention?

  12. Smileydog888 mengatakan:

    Incredible footage..I wish I could have been able to read the lines beneath the photo..Pepper. smileydog888@hotmail.com

  13. primavera888 mengatakan:

    Duele saber que la mano de la tan mal llamada civilización, ha llegado hasta este lugar a llevar las herramientas de la destrucción, el fuego y las armas.

  14. Ave Fénix mengatakan:

    No tenemos el derecho de hacer esto. Es vergonzoso e irresponsable.

  15. Kathy Pearson mengatakan:

    This is totally amazing and heartwarming, I really don’t have words for how this touched my heart to see this. I know this there are many tribes that need to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. This gave me a picture of what it will be like in heaven with every tribe and tongue worshipping Jesus Christ! I can’t wait to meet my brothers and sisters from around the globe. I commend those that are willing to go to the world to minister the gospel to the lost. Many blessings on those! Kathy Pearson

    • Bob Oblaw mengatakan:

      Why must Christians insist that non-Christians are the lost? 'Hai, let’s convert the brown people” is a horrible way to look at a video like this. I’m disgusted…

    • Bob Oblaw mengatakan:

      Why must Christians insist that non-Christians are the lost? 'Hai, let’s convert the brown people” is a horrible way to look at a video like this. I’m disgusted…

  16. Sorgab16 mengatakan:

    It loads very slow, but the video is wonderful

    • Sorgab16 mengatakan:

      On the other hand it shows purity that will be lost as soon more intrudors go to that place to show the dark side of our modern society and the othe face of “humanity”

  17. Ana mengatakan:

    Yes I’m agree let them to live their lives I’m sure is better than ours in many ways

  18. Claude Dumont mengatakan:

    Merci, que SYMBOLISE leur tige dans leur Nez ? Un rang social, ou marié, et ils ne semblaient pas avoir d’Outil pour chasser ou ceuillir des Fruits dans les bois.J’apprécierais une Réponse SVP, please.Langue autochtone ou Espagnole ?merci Claude Dumont

  19. Danyhaghebaert mengatakan:

    damage is allready done,to late

  20. Maristopouos mengatakan:

    ID RATHER LEAVE THEM INNOCENT…ο παραδεισσος χαθηκε για ενα μηλο..Η σοφια ειναι δηλητηριωδης για καποιους τυπους αθωοτητας.

  21. Evalyne Frost mengatakan:

    It was as though their response to the white man with his extraordinary electronic tools would mirror our own introduction to aliens from outer space!

  22. Mcjc_luarca mengatakan:

    acabo de abrir este mensaje y la verdad es que me ha emocionado,…fantastico las personas que lo han realizado, pero aún más la tribu,…….que maravillosa expresión en sus miradas,……….oléeeeeeporque todavia haya gente con ese espiritu solidario.

  23. Gerhard Spiderman mengatakan:

    contact with civiliatio will spoil there happines. gerhard

  24. Marlos mengatakan:

    as capas que estes indios usao existe em varios lugar de nova guine e pareçe ser de tecidos nessa epoco eu morava a 50 quilometros de goiania morava num rancho andava pelado e nao conhecia televisao e corros tinha pouca diferençia desses indios se eles fosse descoberto hoje eu podia ate ficar emocionado mais em 1976 o brasil era bem pior que que os confins da floresta amazonia hoje com tamto aviao passando garinpeiros e madereiros nao existe lugar que o homem branco ainda nao chegou ou tirou fotos de satelites que pode ler a placa de um carro do espaço

  25. Marlos mengatakan:

    eu tenho ceertesa que anguem dassa tribo deve saber da existençia do homem branco a guerra mundial tinha varios avioes sobrevoando este pais mais depois disso eles se perderao na mensidao das florestas so sendo descoberto agora

  26. Qelilah Solomon mengatakan:

    Luar biasa. Neither culture wanted to enslave the other, no one was considered a witch, Excellent. We can learn a lot from his clip. What beautiful people.

  27. Yenge_domia mengatakan:

    tanks very nice excellent….

  28. Leonardo Gutierrez Berdejo mengatakan:

    Extraordinario documento y un excelente mensaje a la Humanidad en torno a la paz.

  29. dfdfgjhj mengatakan:

    We just watched the loss of the last innocents..!

  30. Joe mengatakan:

    I think rather than amaze them with white rice, mirrors and matches, it would have been a much greater learning experience to follow them for a week and view their lifestyle and co-existance with their enviromnment. I rather like the look of them, certainly not brutish or stupid, but keen and jolly.