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두 분의 유럽 금융 위기

유럽의 경제 위기를 망 쳐 버린 그 누구도 이해할 수 있는. Αυτό επιδιώκει να σατιρίσει η Αυστραλιανή τηλεοπτική εκπομπή 클라크 및 Dawe.

회신을 남겨주

귀하의 이메일 주소는 공개되지 않습니다.

8 개 댓글

  1. Barry 레스터 말한다:

    우리를 위해 하지만 아주 아주 무서운 보고 재미 있는, 그리스와 일반적으로 유럽인. 왜 두 일이??? 누군가 간단한 단어와는 덜 고통 스러운 치료에서 설명 해야 한다. 어떤 경우에.

  2. : Modestos Glykis 말한다:

    돈이??? 미국 경제는 유럽 경제 보다 더 강한,때문에, within the last ten years three times used the stock exchange scum tocollect the global savings of the investors with the latest one in 2008, at thetime George W. Bush was going out of office and just before President BarackObama was coming in to make the BIG BANG with the stock exchange collapsing andalso the American Great Banks been involved where methodically gave huge insecureloans to the American people to buy properties in America.The insecure loans given out to the American people were from the savings ofthe investors globally and which ones directly or indirectly were leading inthe American banks.Consequently as it was expected from the perpetrators ofthis ill practice (은행 임원), the American borrowers failed to honorthe loan payments, the banks closed their doors and the bank executives made theirmillions in severance pay and the most important thing of all it was that the MissionAccomplished…The Trillions of dollars ended up in the American government’scoffers…!!! 미국 경제는 지금까지 저장, the government reserves arestrong enough for now and stronger than The European economy like they’re bragging.Should of not all of the above happened, the American dollar today would of havebeen worth no more than 50 European cents!!! 하지만, 최악은 아직 올 (Golda Meir) because the side effectof all this wealth grabbing over the years eventually it will hunt the Americaneconomy as well… In other words the Americans kill the chicken to get the egg…asper the old say!!!

  3. 게스트 말한다:

    돈이??? 미국 경제는 유럽 경제 보다 더 강한,때문에, within the last ten years three times used the stock exchange scum tocollect the global savings of the investors with the latest one in 2008, at thetime George W. Bush was going out of office and just before President BarackObama was coming in to make the BIG BANG with the stock exchange collapsing andalso the American Great Banks been involved where methodically gave huge insecureloans to the American people to buy properties in America.The insecure loans given out to the American people were from the savings ofthe investors globally and which ones directly or indirectly were leading inthe American banks.Consequently as it was expected from the perpetrators ofthis ill practice (은행 임원), the American borrowers failed to honorthe loan payments, the banks closed their doors and the bank executives made theirmillions in severance pay and the most important thing of all it was that the MissionAccomplished…The Trillions of dollars ended up in the American government’scoffers…!!! 미국 경제는 지금까지 저장, the government reserves arestrong enough for now and stronger than The European economy like they’re bragging.Should of not all of the above happened, the American dollar today would of havebeen worth no more than 50 European cents!!! 하지만, 최악은 아직 올 (Golda Meir) because the side effectof all this wealth grabbing over the years eventually it will hunt the Americaneconomy as well… In other words the Americans kill the chicken to get the egg…asper the old say!!!

  4. S Papotis 말한다:

    모든 유럽 국가의 목 악순환!!! 누가 그것을 떨어져 분할 수? Stergios Papotis

  5. Benitocrispin 말한다:

    물론 우수한, but I dont understand this englishit’s pitim

  6. Prof_worzel 말한다:

    Nothing is as funny as the truth.Go John Clark, 뉴질랜드의 재미 있는 수출

  7. IoannisVlahos 말한다:

    매우 만족,

  8. Tonylazaredes 말한다:

    안녕하세요 제- 그리스 경제에 호주 의견 주셔서 감사! 내가 몇 시간 전에 보고 기억할 수 있는 믿지 않는! These two are on every Friday night at the end of the news.They are always good for a laugh, 하지만 우리가 지금 웃을 수 있어야 확신 하지! 건배, Tony & Marion