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버그 (spectralness) 영국 밴드 소프트 셀(Soft Cell)의 'Tainted Love' 리듬에 맞춰 춤추듯 움직인다.. 는 스펙트럼의 그들은 잎의 움직임을 모방하려고 노력하는 방법으로 이동.
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yesss absolutely fantastic yes wonderful i am in aw at this very video thank you for enlightining me on this topic of bug dance to tainted love i am blessed now due to your posting of this video i thank you and give you my blessing.
yesss absolutely fantastic yes wonderful i am in aw at this very video thank you for enlightining me on this topic of bug dance to tainted love i am blessed now due to your posting of this video i thank you and give you my blessing.