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파킨슨 병 환자는 기술로 치료

전기 자극 임플란트 테스트를 처음으로 퇴행성 파킨슨 병을 앓고 은퇴 한 군인 (DBS). 순간을보기 세상이 치료 후 영원히 변화.

회신을 남겨주

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댓글 7 개

  1. Cindy Looper 말한다:

    I am from Nevada, USA.. I started on Organic Herbal Clinic Parkinson’s Disease Herbal formula treatment in September 2018, i read a-lot of positive reviews on their success rate treating Parkinson’s disease through their PD Herbal formula and i immediately started on the treatment. Just 11 weeks into the Herbal formula treatment I had great improvements with speech and coordination, my hand tremors seized and the stiffed, rigid muscle had succumbed. I am unbelievably back on my feet again, this is a breakthrough for all Parkinson’s sufferers, visit Organic Herbal Clinic official website ww w. organicherbalclinic. 와

  2. 클라우디아의 라모스 말한다:

    나는 부자 나물 재단에 대해 알게 (전주의 w. richherbsfoundation. c om) and their successful Parkinson Disease Formula treatment protocol a year ago. Since my Parkinson disease diagnosis over 4 years ago, I have tried several medications and supplements, nothing gave me good relief till I started on the RHF Parkinson Disease Formula protocol. Its been 7 monthso since I completed the treatment, all my symptoms including tremors, speech problems and other symptoms stopped

  3. 클린턴 말한다:

    내 친구는 PD 진단을 받았다(Parkinson’s Disease) in the summer of 2012. Her initial symptoms were quite noticeable. She first experienced weakness in her right arm and her speech and swallowing abilities were profoundly affected. She did so much to seek help for this disease, as she had been her brother’s caregiver a few years earlier for the same disease. Early this year she started on organic/natural PD treatment from Best Health Herbal Centre (전주의 w. besthealthherbalcentre. co m). The treatment worked very effectively and all her symptoms simply disappeared completely after 7 weeks of usage.

  4. 셸리 말한다:

    내 파킨슨 병 진단 후, i was on Carbidopa and Pramipexole for two years, as the disease progressed my symptoms worsened, with my neurologist guidance i started on natural PARKINSONS DISEASE TREATMENT from Rich Herbs Foundation (www.richherbsfoundation.com). The treatment worked very effectively for my Parkinson’s, most of my severe symptoms simply vanished within the first 3 months on the treatment, i feel better now than I have felt in years and i can feel my strength again. My neurologist was very open when looking at alternative medicines and procedures, this alternative parkinson disease treatment is indeed a breakthrough.

  5. 로렐 Barrus 말한다:

    I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease nearly 4 years ago, at age 51. I had a stooped posture, tremors, muscle stiffness, sleeplessness, and slow movement. I was placed on Sinemet for 7 months and then Sifrol and rotigotine were introduced which replaced the Sinemet but I had to stop due to side effects. I was in denial for a while as there is no history of PD in my family. I also used amantadine, and physical therapy to strengthen muscles all failed. I decided to adopt a more natural approach and started on Parkinson’s Herbal formula from Organic Herbal Clinic, the Parkinson’s natural formula immensely helped my condition, i had a total recovery from PD with this natural herbal formula treatment. Organic Herbal Clinic official web site www . organicherbalclinic . 와. I feel alive again!!

  6. 론다 Galasso 말한다:

    나는 63 세에 2 년 전 진단. Symptoms were tremor in right leg, loss of handwriting ability, and soft voice. I also have difficulty rising from a seated position and have balance issues. I started out taking only Azilect, then Mirapex, and 6 months ago Sinemet. Several months ago I started falling frequently, hence the reason for Sinemet. I tried every shots available but nothing worked. In June 2018, my neurologist and I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to Natural Herbal Gardens natural organic Parkinson’s Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this treatment, the Tremor, falling frequently, stiffness, body weakness, balance issues, depression and others has subsided. Visit Natural Herbal Gardens official website ww w. naturalherbalgardens. 와. This treatment is a breakthrough for all suffering from Parkinson’s, don’t give up Hope. Keep Sharing the Awareness, herbs are truly gift from God.

  7. 코린 BELMUDES 말한다:

    Un progrès dans le traitement de la maladie de Parkinson qui ne doit pas faire oublier que la DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation ou stimulation profonde du cerveau) nécessite une intervention chirurgicale non dénuée de risques (hémorragique et infectieux) qu’elle n’est pas possible chez tous les patients et qu’elle ne guérit pas la maladie (la maladie avance toujours) : on stimule mécaniquement la zone du cerveau déficiente en dopamine au lieu de chimiquement par des médicaments devenus avec le temps inefficaces ou lourds d’effets indésirables (comme dyskinésies), permettant la réduction de ces médicaments et de leurs effets indésirables…