일리아 Semiletov 비디오에 기록 된 러시아 사제는 세례 동안 물 속에서 아기 이년 강제 반복 넣어. 소녀는 겁에 질려 울고, 그러나 성인의 아무도 개입하지 않았다, 에 의해 서 사람들의 사이에도 웃음이 있었다. 이런 식으로 '아기에게서 사탄을 쫓아낸다'고 말한 신부는 교회법정으로부터 사과를 받을 예정이다.. 어린 소녀의 어머니는 아기가 '그가 두려워했기 때문에 신부 울었다'와 그녀의 부모가 이의를 제출하지 주장.
This gives me more material to use when I preach against infant “baptism”! I am 100% opposed to it and I believe baptism is for believers only(매트. (28):18-20; Mark 16:(15)&16; Acts 8:(37))! By the way I was “baptized” as an infant myself when the preacher sprinkled me with a rose! It is meaningless to me! It was when I was baptized in Water several months after I was born again that means a lot to me !
This gives me more material to use when I preach against infant “baptism”!
I am 100% opposed to it and I believe baptism is for believers only(매트. (28):18-20; Mark 16:(15)&16; Acts 8:(37))!
By the way I was “baptized” as an infant myself when the preacher sprinkled me with a rose! It is meaningless to me!
It was when I was baptized in Water several months after I was born again that means a lot to me !