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중국의 창고에서, 한 여성이 원격 조종되는 어린 이용 비행기의 짧은 시연을합니다..
귀하의 이메일 주소는 공개되지 않습니다.
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I am interested in the planes you show in the video, that also enter in water Which company can i order them from? I live in Greece. 감사합니다
안녕하세요,나는 당신의 비행기를 좋아합니다,how can i contact you to tell me about prices or if you have other sizes?
γεια σας θελω να εχω τηλεφωνικη επαφη μαζι σας πως μπορω?
I am interested in the planes you show in the video, that also enter in water
Which company can i order them from?
I live in Greece.
안녕하세요,나는 당신의 비행기를 좋아합니다,how can i contact you to tell me about prices or if you have other sizes?
γεια σας θελω να εχω τηλεφωνικη επαφη μαζι σας πως μπορω?