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주의: 부적절 한 콘텐츠로 비디오

아이가 전기 자전거로 울타리에 충돌

회신을 남겨주

귀하의 이메일 주소는 공개되지 않습니다.

댓글 7 개

  1. 발목 끈 말한다:

    Comment as tu eu l’info stp ?

  2. 트리시아 말한다:

    This video needs to be removed how can anyone watch this without getting upset at how hurt this poor little boy must have been. Internal injury could have happened and this little boy could have died later on. I don’t see how this is anything anyone would want to watch as I found it very distressing. A child’s pain is not for laughs and the amount of disgusting comments I’ve seen all over the internet is horrific and uncalled for. If that was your child or grandchild would you be happy at people watching this leaving horrible comments. God I hope this kid was ok as that looked serious. Just because he got up and walked away does not mean he was ok later on. Adrenalin kicks in but he could have serious injury and easily die from that impact. Someone tell me he’s ok as I can’t take the thought of this poor child suffering or dying

  3. 익명의 말한다:

    꼬마가 괜찮다고 말해주세요