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Žena majster na stavenisku v Číne, omylom pochovaný zaživa v piesku zo strany prevádzkovateľa buldozér si nevšimol, že bol v prednej časti. Žena sa pozerá na konci videa vyjsť na chvíľu z pôdy. Údajne prežil nehodu.
Skutočne sa dostala do prachu. Its a sand crusher
Unfortunately she did not survive, the machine she was put into is a vibrating sand pulverizer; essentially it crushes and grinds the sand clumps so they become loose. Once she was caught in the machine it was already too late, that’s why the construction workers don’t try to help her, they know her fate is sealed.
Nie, prežila, we can see her trying to climb the sand crusher at 1:10.