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Худини МКЕ солвер за лопту и хоботнице.
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Добро, 3Д, Houdini… But still – HOW? 😁👌
By transfering velicities inside an attribute moving along each tentacles …
То је супер! Everything is totally real just the octopus missing a singles details for leaving a totally real. Love it!
Које ?
Ок, Људи, то је 3д сцена, није стваран. Some amazing work. If you read the caption it tells you “Realistic 3d Scene” Then in smaller print, it even tells you one of the programs used, Hudini.
Људи то је невероватно 3Д Ворк, as you see it say “Realistic 3d scene”. In the smaller print, it even mentions one of the programs used.. Hudini.
the octopus was investigating the floating ball at the surface and got washed up the beach. the wave receded leaving him high n dry with no ‘footprints’ QED tentacles now so sandy slippery he cant get a grip on the super light ball, like a dog trying to catch his tail.
Ако је ово прави, the octopus would’ve been dead and dried up by the time the sand dried up that much after the tide receded. Sand stays wet for awhile. That’s perfectly dry sand.
Can you not tell the difference between wet and dry sand? this sand is very obviously wet, otherwise it would not stay in this pattern but would immediately “flow” or ripple back to its amorphous consistency… I can hardly believe this is really an animation. how can anyone prove it?
Hvala ti, др. недеља. I actually know exactly how wet or dry that sand is. I know what sand at all stages and all levels on the beach looks like. I grew up on the beach, lived in Florida for 40 years now. It is not completely fluffy, dry sand like at the top of the beach. It looks like damp sand closer to the ocean. Međutim, the sand is not wet enough to support the life of an octopus. It would have dried up and died. It is already very clearly proven to be an animation as there are links all over the internet showing how it was made including the original animations.
u redu, let’s agree on it being DAMP sand. certainly not dry. and as to whether an octopus could have survived there, I wouldn’t know and therefore believe your knowledge. I have not read all the contributions here, but I have not seen any links on how the video was made. can you post one of them? Hvala ti!
It’s FEM by thomas marqué. He even thanks people complimenting his animation work on the thread under the video.
Хоботница МКЕ Препрека је наслов овога: https://vimeo.com/261830293
Octopus FEM: https://vimeo.com/260733401
Helium Shark: https://vimeo.com/113907692
There are many, many more. You can follow on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user11824348
I wonder how they set up the octopus inthe middle of a flat sand beach, with no obvious trail to indicate that it crawled there. The arms are all stretched out as a perfect asterisk… as if it were dropped from above an somehow encouraged to stretch its legs out in all directions before placing the ball on top of it… I’d like to know the setup for the video…
I think it’s a 3D animation.
То је. Thomas Marques is a pro VFX animator who used Houdini 16 .FEM program to create the 3D model and video.
Камо среће да је стварни. It’s wonderful to see any creature playing but since it’s an animation, I must say he did a great job.