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На острву Средњи у Северном леденом океану, поларни медвед са својим младунцима тражи храну и суочава се са 3 пса који покушавају да заштите кућу свог господара. уплашен, два медведића крију се иза маминих ногу.
και ο παπαρας το “αφεντικό” κάθετε και βιντεοσκοπεί….
Ούτε για τα σκυλιά του τον νοιάζει ούτε για τα αρκουδάκια….
Θα μπορούσε άνετα να μαζέψει τα σκυλιά του και απλά να αφείνει λίγο φαγητό στην αρχή του Δάσους για την αρκούδα….
Yes I found this video very sad to watch I would have liked to see him call his dogs off and let the bears live in peace. Almost as if he was enjoying it. Anyways I hope he called the bears off once he put down the camera.
Yes I found this video very sad to watch I would have liked to see him call his dogs off and let the bears live in peace. Almost as if he was enjoying it. Anyways I hope he called the bears off once he put down the camera.
esseri umani.. siamo noi la specie più di m**** sulla terra