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U QuadSki je amfibijsko vozilo na putu kao ATV, Dok je tada stupa okrene protiv vode na skuteru. Поседује БМВ мотор од 1.300 кубика који испоручује 140 кс и његова највећа брзина достиже 70 км / х. U QuadSki je proizvela kompanija Гиббс и кошта око 30.000€.
This thing is a damn turd. I rode one once and almost laughed. It is such a slow terrible performing quad, and an even worse PWC.
Anything that tries to be everything is never great at any one thing.
The suspension is short and the weight slows it down as a quad. The hull makes it have poor clearances.
The wheels and suspension add so much weight as a quad it is a snore to ride on the water. Tops out at 50mph and is sluggish to turn.
If you simply need a machine that can do both go for it. But for a truly fun experience use the money saved from not buying one of these stupid clunkers and buy 2 real quads and 2 real PWC’s