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Gözlüklerini maskeyle mi bulanıklaştırıyorlar;

Gözlüğünü maskeyle bulanıklaştırıyorlar; Yalnız değilsin. Optifog lensler için komik reklamlar koleksiyonu, gözlükleri bulanıklaştırmayı bırakan.

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1 yorum

  1. ANA diyor:

    Evet, Ben. It’s terrible because is absolutly imposible to drive, to see un film, to see the screen in the classroom, étc The fogg in my glases is a big problem and the worst thing is that, nowadays, there isn’t any solution for that. I try to clean my glasses with some special products for that but all of them have been useless. At the end, my solution will be to buy contact lenses.