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Мати б'є його 14-річний син узяв машину без дозволу

Сюрреалістичні сцени відбуваються на вулиці Ель-Пасо в Техасі в п'ятницю, 12 жовтня, коли мати шукає свій син, який взяв неліцензійну машину з дому. Ліза Campero разом зі своїм братом почав з дому, коли вони побачили, що BMW відсутня в гаражі і її син зник. Нарешті визначити хлопчик переїхав на сусідню вулицю і зупинити, в той час як його мати відразу ж захоплює пояс і починає порку.

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3 Коментарі

  1. Geruno каже:

    Did mother spann him more at home ?

  2. Geir Rune Nor каже:

    I agree with what his mother do to her son. I hope She continue spanking at home with publikum to see the spanking of his naked butts. The Hole punnishment schould have been filmed and sjøen public. I have and equal experiansfrom own childhood. I was 15.5 year and stole a car in the falmilly. Had a friend and two girls in the car. drive to Dancing place. Had sex in the car and drink alcohol. Shen se come home in the night i was catshed and braucht inside together with my passenger. My sister and Eva and 3 female summer gest was also present together with my pas. My father and mother ordered me to undress totally in front of this people. Then i had to lay over a bench with lots of pillows on top. Mother bring her biggest bithchrod, a long wodden brush. I was first spannet by hand 50 hard stroke. Then birtching of 50 stroke and at the end 25 stri stroke with the wold brush. My butt was on fire and i criy a lot. After my mother order publikum to bring me to bed naked. I have never Been so ashamed and humiliIated in. Y life. One of the girl Annelise was love and girlfriend. All the girl was between 14 and 19 year. Oh my god how painful andshamefull it was. I had to lay on my stomach that night and dont sit on my butt for 3 days.

    • Бернд каже:

      Моя мама також мене багато шльопала! Hosen runter und dann gab es anständig mit dem Teppichklopfer oder Hosengürtel!
      Hat mir nicht geschadet, hatte es meisten auch verdient wenn ich von ihr gekriegt habe!