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عام سلیکٹرز
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پوسٹ ٹائپ سلیکٹرز
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زمرہ جات کے لحاظ سے فلٹر کریں۔
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ایک جواب دیں۔

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2 تبصرے

  1. Tarzan کہتے ہیں:

    Gosh! I am so full of admiration for you as a mother that you stood there with a video camera while your child performed a feat that could have resulted in a broken neck! You go girl!

    • Αγγελικη Παπαθεοδωρου Βαβιλη کہتے ہیں:

      what i can imgine is that the left the camera recording just because they didnt know how their baby was out from the door!! the came is very stady !! dont u think this is most possible??