南非一名男子試圖闖入一所房子, 但他在後院被一隻鬥牛犬迎接,不准離開.
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That thief’s cock & balls could not stand up to those dogs ! He deserved all that for trying to break into a house.
It’s a difficult one however through her /_
好的. 他沒有權利在那裡. What gives him the right to intrude on private property and with bad intentions.
幹得好狗. Bathong how could people feel sorry for criminals who terrorise our communities. What do we actually want kante sometimes south Africans are stupid.
Δεν του έφτανε ο σκύλος που τον δάγκωνε…του έριχναν και κουβάδες σο κεφάλι με νερό….πόσο τιμωρία πχια;;…..χαχαχαχαααα
That thief’s cock & balls could not stand up to those dogs ! He deserved all that for trying to break into a house.
It’s a difficult one however through her /_
好的. 他沒有權利在那裡. What gives him the right to intrude on private property and with bad intentions.
幹得好狗. Bathong how could people feel sorry for criminals who terrorise our communities. What do we actually want kante sometimes south Africans are stupid.
Δεν του έφτανε ο σκύλος που τον δάγκωνε…του έριχναν και κουβάδες σο κεφάλι με νερό….πόσο τιμωρία πχια;;…..χαχαχαχαααα